
Statement of Nondiscrimination

Sauk Valley Community College is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to an effective policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all employee and student relations. Except to the extent and subject to the exemptions permitted by law, no qualified employee or student shall be excluded from employment or educational opportunity, be denied benefits, or be subjected to discrimination on the basis of differences in race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation (as that term is defined in the Illinois Rights Act), marital status, handicap, military status or unfavorable discharge from military service classified as Re-3 or the equivalent thereof. Any student who has questions or needs advice concerning matters about discrimination should contact the Equal Opportunity Officer, 815-835-6291.

Vocational opportunities will be offered by Sauk Valley Community College without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, marital status, disability, military status, or unfavorable discharge from military service. When special requests are made from persons with disabilities during the hiring process, every effort will be made to accommodate such requests.

Notification of Sexual Harassment and Section 504 Coordinators

It is the policy of Sauk Valley Community College to maintain a working and learning environment for all students and employees that is free from sexual discrimination and sexual harassment. Any student or employee who feels that he/she has been subjected to sexual discrimination or sexual harassment should contact:

Sexual Harassment
Kathryn Snow, Room 3L20, Phone 815-835-6291
Steve Nunez, Room 3L12, Phone 815-835-6263

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its accompanying regulations prohibit discrimination towards any individuals on the basis of his/her disability. Accordingly, all employees of Sauk Valley Community College are expected to adhere to the applicable college policies, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Any student or employee who feels he/she has been discriminated against on the basis of a disability should contact:

Section 504 Compliance Officers
Kathryn Snow, College ADA Coordinator, Room 3L20, Phone 815-835-6291
Sandra Geiseman, ADA Coordinator, Room 1F27, Phone 815-835-6246


Sauk Valley Community College es un empleador que promueve igualdad de oportunidad, comprometido a una política efectiva de no discriminación y de igualdad de oportunidad en todas las relaciones de empleado y estudiante.  Ningún empleado ni estudiante calificado será excluido de la oportunidad de empleo ni de la oportunidad educativa, ni se le negarán beneficios, o estará expuesto a discriminación por su raza, color, religión, origen nacional, ascendencia, edad, sexo, orientación sexual (como el término se define en la Declaración de los Derechos Humanos de Illinois), por estado civil, discapacidad, posición militar o por descarga desfavorable del servicio militar clasificado como Re-3 o el equivalente del mismo, excepto a la extensión y sujeto a las exenciones permitidas por la ley. Cualquier estudiante con preguntas o que necesite asesoramiento sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la discriminación debe comunicarse con el Oficial de la Igualdad de Oportunidad, 815-835-6291.

Notificación de los Coordinadores de Título IX y Sección 504.

La norma de Sauk Valley Community College es de mantener un ambiente de trabajo y de aprendizaje libre de toda clase de acoso sexual, discriminación sexual, y otras formas de hostigamiento. Toda persona que sienta que fue victima de discriminación sexual o de acoso sexual, u otra clase de hostigamiento, deberá notificarlo a las siguientes personas:

Oficiales de Acoso Sexual en conformidad con el Titulo IX
Kathryn Snow, Oficina 3L20, 815-835-6291
Steve Nunez, Oficina 3L12, 815-835-6402

Oficial de Hostigamiento Sexual en Conformidad con el Titulo IX para casos de estudiante-a-estudiante:

Oficina 1G04, 815-835-6246.

La sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973 y sus regulaciones adjuntas, prohíben la discriminación a individuos en base a su discapacidad. Por lo tanto, se espera que todos los empleados de Sauk Valley Community College cumplan con las normas del colegio, el cual prohíbe la discriminación a individuos en base a discapacidades. Todo aquel estudiante o empleado que sienta que ha sido discriminado en base a su discapacidad deberá notificarlo a Kathryn Snow, Coordinadora ADA del Colegio, en la oficina 3L18, 815-835-6291

Affirmative Action

Sauk Valley Community College shall utilize Affirmative Action as required by law. The College has adopted an Affirmative Action Plan. Copies of this document are available in the Human Resources Department. The Sauk Valley Community College Affirmative Action Plan contains a grievance procedure that any employee, employment applicant, student, or student applicant may obtain by contacting the Affirmative Action Officer.