


In several areas of study, SVCC includes an internship as an additional credit course. It is an academic opportunity to expand students' horizons into the career environment they are studying. An internship is a cooperative effort between a business or health care institution and the college that combines education and experience for students and is closely monitored by the student, SVCC faculty, and the employer. An internship allows students to gain up to three credit hours in a semester toward their Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree or occupational certificate. The student commits to working the proscribed time in the internship position. Internships in the curriculum include:

  • Accounting (ACC)
  • Agriculture (AGR)
  • Business Administration-(Management-Marketing) (BUS)
  • Computer Information Systems (Computer Software Technology-Windows Server Administrator) (CIS)
  • Criminal Justice (CJS)
  • Early Childhood Education (ECE)
  • Industrial/Technical (IND)

For more Information about internship opportunities in a particular instructional area, contact the internship instructor or Josh West, Dean of Business, Career and Technical Programs at 815/835-6334.