She Kills Monsters
Set in 1995, the show is about a young woman, Agnes, whose teenage sister dies in a car accident. While cleaning out her room a few years later, she finds her sister's Dungeon and Dragons module. Most teenagers keep a diary, but she kept a DnD module. In an attempt to get to know her dead sister, Agnes plays the module and discovers the nerdy and exciting world of DnD while learning things about herself and her sister along the way.
Show contains mild adult language.
Sauk Future Educators Club will provide childcare during the Friday, November 22 performance, for parents of young children during the show, donations appreciated.
Cast of Characters
- Tilly Evans - Chloe Roberts
- Agnes Evans - Molly Pashon
- Chuck - Jacob Brown
- Miles - Jackson Reinhardt
- Vera/Farrah - Katrina Fancher
- Lilith - Gillian Larson
- Kaliope - Ashley Neiman
- Orcus - Kendrick Fisher
- Stacie - Hailey Puckett
- Evil Gabby - Sam Roberts
- Evil Tina - Kelsey Heslop
- Narrator - Bethany Megill
- Director - Tori Duffin
- Scenic Director - Tim Schlegel
- Technical Director - Kyle Morgan
- Stage Manager - Kayla Mingus
- Assistant Stage Manager - Abi McCullough
- Set Painter - Sarah Page
- Friday, November 22, 2019
- 7:00 PM
- Jerry Mathis Theater
- Saturday, November 23, 2019
- 7:00 PM
- Jerry Mathis Theater
- Sunday, November 24, 2019
- 2:00 PM
- Jerry Mathis Theater
Tickets may be purchased at the door. For more information, please email
- Adults
- $8.00
- Students
- $5.00