Lee/Ogle Regional Office of Education -- Dropout Intervention System
Agency Name:Lee/Ogle Regional Office of Education -- Dropout Intervention System
Contact:Mary Alaska Zuniga & Cathy Cluts; Ogle County Coordinator; Glen Weatherwax, Lee County
Coordinator; Paul McMahon, Regional Superintedent; Janet Kacvinsky, Assistant Regional
Address:7772 Clinton Street, Dixon, IL 61021
Phone:(815) 284-7796/ext 2021
Fax:(815) 288-5005
Purpose / Notes:
Lee/Ogle Dropout Intervention System (LODIS), a comprehensive truancy program, addresses
attendance issues in a two county area. LODIS focuses on prevention and intervention
services, assistance in coordination and development of remediation programs, and
promotion of systemic change through integrated school improvement efforts. Office
hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. When a child has 3 unexcuses
absences,the school will notify the truancy coordinator and a one time intervention
is done. After five unexcused absences, schools notify the LODIS program, which in
turn begins its official role in the intervention. The program looks at academic records,
the frequency, and possible patterns of the absences to get a better idea of how to
help the individual. Service delivery goals include preventing students from developing
attendance habits with an adverse effect on educational success, providing intervention
services to students and families needing additional assistance to develop and maintain
acceptable attendance patterns, exposing students to remediation activities through
a credit recovery program using the NOVEL curriculum to increase academic skills and
self-esteem, assisting school improvement planning teams in integrating attendance
action plans into comprehensive, continuous school improvement activities through
ISBE Integrated School Improvement Plans. LODIS targets school improvement through
the promotion of systemic change. These changes refine methods used to identify truant
students and potential dropouts and to enhance the ability of teachers to provide
appropriate services and support to the disenchanted learner. Other Services Provided:
Truancy Intervention Credit Recovery Alternative Learning Opportunity Programs (FLEX)
Dropout Prevention
Services Provided:
Education and Libraries