The Mission Statement

The task force that convened in the summer of 2004 determined that the College's vision statement had always focused on equality learning. In fact, the concept had been included in SVCC's mission statement, most recently accepted by the Board of Trustees at their March 22, 2004, meeting:

SaukValley Community College is an institution of higher education that provides quality learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of its students and community.

New questions about how the College would carry out that mission had to be answered in light of the shift to the learning college model: What does it mean to be focused on quality learning? How is quality learning being measured? How does the College know if it is indeed making a difference in students learning? Are data-driven decisions being made? Is the input to that decision-making institutionally inclusive?

The task force decided that philosophy statements were needed to guide the College on the learning college's journey. The following statements were drafted in Summer 2004 and shared with faculty, staff, and the Board of Trustees. Adapted from the O'Banion model of the Learning College, they now appear wherever the mission statement appears, confirming the College's commitment to quality learning.

Philosophy Statements