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100 - Board of Trustees

101.01 Legal Authority of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of Community College Trustees District #506, Sauk Valley Community College, comprising all or parts of Bureau, Henry, Lee, Ogle, Carroll, and Whiteside Counties in the State of Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the Board) derives its authority from the Illinois Public Community College Act (H. B. 1710) as approved by the 74th Illinois General Assembly on July 15, 1965, and as subsequently amended.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 03-23-1987

102.01 Board Philosophy/Mission/Vision

  1. Philosophy:
    1. Sauk Valley Community College is an integral part of the Illinois System of Higher Education, and is organized to provide education and training to the citizens of the district and to participate as a partner in the Illinois Community College System.
    2. The Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 506 assumes a full commitment to the objectives and philosophy of the Illinois Community College Act and to the standards and criteria as may from time to time be set forth by the Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
    3. The College Board of Trustees is committed to the concept that the quality of the administrative staff and instructional faculty is central to the quality of the educational experience of the students, and, therefore, seeks to employ and retain persons with the highest professional qualifications and continuously demonstrated ability.  Its commitment to quality extends to its belief in the importance of assessing the impact and outcomes of its educational programming.
  2. Mission: Sauk Valley Community College is dedicated to teaching and scholarship while engaging the community in lifelong learning, public service, and economic development.
  3. Vision: Sauk Valley Community College strives to be a leader in student achievement while expanding access to higher education across the Sauk Valley region.


Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-22-2004, 07-24-2006

103.01 Trustee Election and Vacancies

  1. Election: The election of the members of the Board shall be held at the time and in the manner provided by law, and each member shall be elected for a term of six years unless otherwise provided herein.  Each member must, on the date of the election, be a citizen of the United States, eighteen years of age or over, and a resident of the State and the Territory which, on the date of the election, is included in the college district, for at least one year immediately preceding the election.  Removal of residence from the district by any member constitutes a resignation from and creates a vacancy on the board.
  2. Vacancy: A vacancy on the College Board occurs upon the happening of any event which creates a vacancy on the Board of Trustees under the relevant provision of law.  Whenever a vacancy occurs, the remaining members of the Board of Trustees shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.  The individual shall be selected based on his or her overall ability to best represent the college district.  The person receiving the appointment shall serve until the successor is elected and certified in accordance with the Election Code.  If the vacancy occurs with less than four months remaining before the next scheduled nonpartisan election, and if the term of office of the Board member vacating the position is not scheduled to expire at that election, then the term of the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall extend through that election and until the succeeding nonpartisan election.  If the term of office of the Board member vacating the position is scheduled to expire at the upcoming nonpartisan election, the appointed member shall serve only until the successor is elected and qualified at that election.  If the remaining members of the Board fail to appoint a person to fill the vacancy within 60 days after the vacancy occurs, then the Chair of the Illinois Community College Board will fill the vacancy until that vacancy shall be filled by election as provided by law.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 10-24-1983, 03-27-1989, 03-26-1990, 04-26-2010

103.02 Trustee Compensation and Expenses

Members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their service as members.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 10-24-1983, 03-27-1989, 03-26-1990, 02-25-2002

103.03 Trustee Workshops and Seminars

A written or oral summary of workshops and seminars attended will be presented to the full Board by the Board member participating in the workshop.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 10-24-1983, 03-27-1989, 03-26-1990, 02-25-2002

104.01 Adopting, Rescinding and Revising Board Policies

The following procedures shall be observed by the Board to adopt, rescind, or revise Board policies and regulations:

  1. All policies of the Board shall be deleted, changed, or revised by a majority vote of the full membership of the Board at the next regular or special meeting of the Board following the introduction of the matter in a regular meeting of the Board.
  2. A rule or resolution of a permanent nature may be adopted by a majority vote of the full membership of the Board, if notice of the proposed action is given at a previous meeting in accordance with the above.
  3. Following the election and seating of new members of the Board, the Board, recognizing that it is a continuing body, assumes all policies, regulations, and rules of the preceding Board and continues them in effect until such policies, regulations, and rules are amended and rescinded.
  4. Unless otherwise stated to the contrary, all policies and regulations adopted by the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees shall be in full force and effect at the time of their adoption by the Board.
  5. The foregoing notwithstanding, the Board of Trustees may make changes in policy by resolution approved by roll call vote at any meeting, without prior written notice or reading, under the following circumstances:
    1. In the event a title of a position at the College is changed, references in policies to that position can be changed to use the new title, so long as such change does not have any substantive effect on the policy.
    2. In the event of change of policy number systems, the numbers may be changed, so long as no substantive change is made in the policy or its potential applicability.
    3. In the event of change of statutory citation, the statutory citation may be changed, provided no substantive change in law or policy is reflected by the change in citation.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 03-28-1987, 05-21-1990, 03-22-1999

106.01 Principles for Board Authority

The Board has legal authority to act when in regular or special meetings.

Unless otherwise delegated or appointed, the Board Chair serves as the spokesperson for the Board.

A majority of full membership of the Board (excluding Student Trustee) shall constitute a quorum. When a vote is taken upon any measure before the Board, a quorum being present, a majority of the votes of the members (excluding Student Trustee) voting on the measure shall determine the outcome thereof.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 09-25-2006, 10-22-2012

107.01 Organization and Meeting of the Board of Trustees

  1. After each election of members, the Board will meet within 28 days after the consolidated election in April to certify the election results, re-organize, and elect a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Secretary. Other re-organizational activities such as the following shall also be completed:
  2. Appoint the Treasurer.
  3. Appoint the attorney for the district.
  4. Designate the bank depositories.
  5. Designate regular monthly dates for Board meetings.
  6. Pass a resolution to reconfirm existing policies and regulations.
  7. The Board shall meet at the College in regular session on the fourth Monday of each calendar month except when changes are announced in advance. Meetings will be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced in advance.


Revised: 03-23-1981, 07-27-1981, 10-24-1983, 08-27-1984, 01-22-1990, 10-25-2004, 09-25-2023

108.01  Duties and Responsibilities of Board Officers

  1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings and shall perform such duties as are imposed upon that office by law or by action of the Board.
  2. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall serve in the Chair's absence.
  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office.  If he or she is absent from any meeting or refuses to perform the office's duties, a member of the Board shall be appointed secretary pro tempore.  Clerical duties for the Board are performed by a staff person employed at the College, who is called Secretary to the Board.  This person attends all meetings and records all official business of the Board, as well as represents the Board in working with local election officials in all Board elections and referenda.
  4. Treasurer:  The Board shall appoint a Treasurer for the District who shall not be a member of the Board.  The Board shall determine the compensation of the Treasurer and require that a bond be executed as required by the Illinois Community College Act.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 10-24-1983, 11-28-1994, 06-28-2004

109.01 Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees

The Board has overall responsibility for governance of the College.  In carrying out its responsibility, the Board has the following specific duties, as well as others:

  1. Establish, review, and modify Board Policy.
  2. Hire, evaluate, and establish the salary and conditions of employment of the President of the College.
  3. Set annual institutional strategic goals.
  4. Determine goals for the College President annually.
  5. Approve the annual budget.
  6. Act upon the recommendations of the President on all matters pertaining to the welfare or operation of the College.
  7. Act upon the recommendation of the President for the appointment and subsequent employment status of all faculty and administrative personnel in accordance with established personnel policies.
  8. Approve rates of compensation for regular full-time and/or part-time employees and annually review all salary schedules.
  9. Act upon competitive bids for supplies and equipment in excess of $25,000, and for construction/repairs in excess of $50,000.
  10. Approve certificate and degree programs of the College upon the recommendation of the President.
  11. Approve the annual Administrative and Academic Calendar of the College.
  12. Consider communications and requests from responsible citizens and organizations within the district on matters of policy.
  13. Establish and/or approve citizen advisory committees as needed.
  14. Serve as a Board of final appeal with the College for students, faculty, and staff of the College and citizens of the district who may have grievances in any matter concerning the College District.
  15. Appoint a treasurer and fix the salary of the treasurer for the District
  16. Designate depositories for College funds.
  17. Conduct an annual Board self-evaluation.
  18. Agree that correspondence to the Board from the President of the College marked privileged or confidential should not be read in open meeting nor made public without specific written permission of the President to all Board members or as authorized by a majority vote of the Board, and to agree that correspondence to the President from the Board or Board members marked privileged or confidential shall not be revealed without the permission of the sender.
  19. Employ legal counsel for the College.
  20. Employ a certified public accounting firm to audit the financial records and status in accordance with the Illinois Community College Act.
  21. Assume such other duties and responsibilities as provided for in the Illinois Community College Act, in other laws of the State of Illinois, in the rules and regulations of the Illinois Community College Board and the Board of Higher Education, in the rules and regulations of other relevant state regulatory agencies, and in relevant Federal regulations and laws.
  22. Review the College mission and vision statement annually.
  23. Create special committees of the Board as needed.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-25-2002, 11-22-2004, 09-25-2006, 10-22-2012, 01-23-2023

109.02 Awarding Honorary Degrees

Awarded by the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees, the honorary degree is a high form of recognition offered by Sauk Valley Community College to persons of exceptional distinction.

To be awarded the honorary degree, a nominee shall have made exceptional and lasting contributions as a notable life achievement to the College, to the Sauk Valley community, or to the state, national, or international community.  An honorary degree shall not be conferred upon a College faculty member, staff member, or trustee until the individual has been separated from the institution for two or more academic semesters.  Generally, the College will award no more than one honorary degree in any academic year.  The specific honorary degree awarded shall be appropriate to the nature of the attainment being recognized.

The Board of Trustees awards an honorary degree based on a recommendation from the College President.  Coordination of the nomination and selection process for honorary degree recipients is the responsibility of the College President.

Revised: 02-27-2017

111.01 Special Meetings of the Board

Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair or by three members of the Board by giving public notice thereof in writing, stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Such notice may be served on members of the Board by mail 48 hours before the meeting, or by personal service 24 hours before the meeting. Notice shall also be given to the news media as required by 5 ILCS 120/2.02.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 06-24-2002

112.01 Meetings Open to the Public

The Board, and its committees, shall comply with the Illinois Open Meetings Act as amended.

All meetings required to be public shall be held at specified times and in places which are convenient to the public. No meeting required to be public shall be held on a legal holiday unless the regular meeting day falls on that holiday.

Public notice of all meetings shall be given in compliance with 5 ILCS 120/2.02

Revised: 12-20-1982, 06-24-2002

113.01 Inspection of the Board Records and Accounts

The College shall furnish the opportunity for review or copying of College records to the extent required by law. In carrying out that responsibility, the Board shall adopt regulations, from time to time, to facilitate compliance with the law. The Administrative Assistant to the President shall be the Freedom of Information Officer for the College, and that person shall have the primary responsibility to carry out the requirements of the law and the regulations.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 10-23-1989, 12-20-1999, 06-28-2004, 10-23-2006

114.01 Board Meeting Agenda

  1. The President of the College will prepare the agenda of meetings for the Board of Trustees after conferring with the Chair of the Board.  The Trustees may introduce agenda items through the Board Chair or the President of the College.
  2. The Trustees should be furnished with copies of the agenda for regular meetings with any available supporting materials at least 48 hours prior to each regular meeting.  The Trustees will receive a copy of the agenda and any available supporting materials for a special meeting as soon as practicable prior to the meeting.
  3. Copies of the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be sent to all news media that requested notice of meetings pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act and shall be posted at the College office for public inspection as provided by the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

The Board agenda shall contain an item called Communications from Visitors.  At this time on the agenda, subject to policy 114.02, members of the public and employees of the College may be heard on petitions previously filed, or requests to be heard on specific agenda items, or to comment or ask questions of the Board.  Any written communications for the Board not previously delivered to the Board shall be furnished to it at this place on the agenda.  In the Chair's discretion, any written communication to the Board may be read aloud by the Chair, by a member of the Board, by the President, or by other designees.

Revised: 10-23-1989, 06-24-2002, 01-23-2023

114.02 Conduct of Meeting

  1. Roberts Rules of Order shall be used as a guide in the conduct of all meetings of the Board of Trustees and its committees.
  2. Presentation of items of business shall follow the Agenda, unless varied by the Chair.
  3. The Board welcomes attendance at its meetings by members of the public and College employees and encourages their interest in the conduct of the affairs of the College.  The Board also welcomes the orderly expression of concerns by members of the public or organizations relating to the welfare of the College and welcomes questions or comments from members of the public and employees.  In order that Board meetings may be orderly and serve the purposes of the College, the following additional rules shall govern visitor participation in Board meetings:
    1. Citizens or organizations wishing to present written or oral proposals or petitions regarding matters of interest to the citizens, organizations, or the Board shall summarize such proposals in writing and furnish them to the Secretary of the Board seven days prior to the meeting.  Such proponents or petitions shall be assigned a period not to exceed ten minutes on the meeting agenda during the period for Communications from Visitors for any comments or additional oral materials the proponent or petitioner wishes to furnish in regard to the proposals.  In the event an opponent to the proposal or petition is present, such opponent shall be given a like period of time to address the Board.  The Chair may limit the number of citizen petitions to be heard at a particular meeting in the interest of time but shall cause any petition not heard to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
    2. Members of the public and employees of the College may be heard without prior written notice on matters on the agenda, may make comments, or may ask questions of the Board by requesting permission of the Chair during the Communication from Visitors portion of the meeting 
      1. Agenda Items
        1. The Chair shall during Communication from Visitors on the agenda ask whether any members of the public wish to be heard on any agenda item.  At the commencement of consideration of that item on the agenda during the course of the meeting, the citizen shall be called upon and permitted to address the Board on such item.  Speakers for or against an item on the agenda shall be limited to a total of five minutes of meeting time for his, her, or their statement.  If more than one person wishes to address the Board, the time shall be divided among them.  If there are proponents and opponents present, each side shall have a total of five minutes available for a statement of their position.
        2. Although citizens may address the Board on agenda items, it is usually beneficial to the Board and citizen (or Board and citizen or organization) to inform the Secretary of the Board of the citizen's or organization's desire to speak and to give a general outline of concerns at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.  The advance notice permits the administration to solicit further helpful information and may avoid delay in acting on or responding to the item or concern.
      2. Persons Addressing the Board: Persons addressing the Board shall address the Board as a whole or shall address the Chair.  No more than two persons shall address the Board on the same topic on the same side of an issue.
      3. Questions
        1. All questions to the Board shall be directed to the Chair.  The Chair, in consultation with the President if desired, shall determine whether the question will be answered at the Board meeting, and if so, whether by the Chair or by a member of administration.
        2. Questions directed to individual Trustees shall be deemed out of order and are not permitted.  Individual Trustees may pose questions to the citizen speaking.  Presentations by the citizen and citizen response to any questions by the Board shall be orderly.  After the allotted time has lapsed, the citizen or citizens shall not address the Board further unless requested to do so by the Chair.  The Board shall not respond to questions asked during the course of the meeting except as permitted herein.  Persons attending the meeting shall not be permitted to interject comments or questions during the Board's discussion of the matter.  The Board is not obligated to act upon items presented by members of the public, employees, or organizations or to answer questions at the time such question is presented.  The Board will make a good faith effort to respond to questions within a reasonable time.  In order to permit time to consider other items on the Board's agenda, the time allowed under Communication from Visitors shall not exceed 20 minutes.  The Chair may, for good cause, extend the time limitations provided.  The Chair may terminate the privilege of addressing the Board of any speaker who does not conduct himself or herself in an orderly, decorous, and respectful manner.
  4. The Chair shall serve as spokesperson for the full Board at all meetings of the Board.
  5. The rules shall apply to committee meetings to the extent they are germane.

Revised: 10-23-1989

114.03  Recording, Photographing and Televising Board and Committee Meetings, News Media

  1. Recordings:
    1. Any person may record proceedings at meetings of the Board or committees open to the public.  Such recordation may be by tape, film, videotape, or other means.  Such recordation shall not be done in such manner as to distract, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with the operation of the meeting by the Board or the committee.  
    2. The Board shall provide a central location for microphones.  The location shall be such that microphones of good quality and recording equipment of good quality will be able to pick up the voices of the Board member speaking in customary and ordinary tones used at Board meetings and shall not be further than fifteen feet from any Board member.  Unless the College shall provide a pooled microphone with leads, any person seeking to use the provided central location for microphones shall provide his or her own microphone and cable to connect such microphone to the recorder away from the Board table.  Placement of any wires or cables shall be done in such manner as to minimize any safety hazard.  Except for the central location, no recording microphones or other recording devices shall be allowed on the Board table except as may be provided by the College.
  2. Lights and Flash Bulbs: During the meetings of the Board or any committee, no flash bulbs or lights other than normal room lighting shall be used.
  3. Television Cameras: During any meeting of the Board or committee, television cameras shall not be placed where they impede the view of the Trustees by any persons in attendance.  Television cameras shall not be closer to the meeting table than the table or other location provided for members of the news media.
  4. Location for News Media: A place, in reasonable proximity to the Board's meeting table, shall be provided for members of the news media.  If reasonably possible, a table will be provided for the convenience of the members of the news media. 

Revised: 12-20-1982

114.04 Remote Attendance for Board of Trustees Meetings

If a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present as required by Illinois Public Community College Act, 5ILCS 120/2.01, a majority of the public body may allow a member of that body to attend the meeting by other means if the member is prevented from physically attending because of personal illness or disability, employment purposes or the business of the public body, or a family emergency. “Other means” is by video or audio conference and the voice of the conferencing member must broadcast at the meeting so that the voice is audible to the entire audience. When a member attends electronically, he or she shall be entitled to provide official voice votes.

Revised: 01-27-2020

115.01 Student Trustee

The Sauk Valley Community College Board shall have one non-voting member who is a student enrolled in Sauk Valley Community College under the jurisdiction of the Board.  The method of selecting this student member shall be determined by the Student Government.  The student member shall serve a term of one year beginning on April 15 of each year and may be elected for a second year.  The Student member shall have all of the privileges of membership, including the right to make and second motions and to attend Closed Sessions, other than the right to vote.  It is the policy of the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees to allow the student trustee an advisory vote.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 10-23-1989, 11-27-2006

116.01 Board Ethics

In support of the best interests of the College, all Trustees shall adhere to reasonable ethical standards, including the following principles:

  1. Authority: Trustees have authority for official Board action only when acting in concert as a Board of Trustee legally in session.  No member of the Board of Trustees has the power to act in the name of the Board unless authorized to do so by the Board of Trustees in legal session, with the exception of the Board Chair in case of an emergency.  The Chair will report such emergency actions to the Board at the next scheduled meeting. Trustee relationships with staff, students, citizens, and media representatives will be based on this fact.
  2. Conduct: Trustees will demonstrate personal integrity and ethical behavior in word and action; work with other Trustees in a spirit of decency, harmony, and cooperation despite personal differences of opinion that may arise; regularly attend and contribute to Board meetings; focus discussion and decisions on problem-solving rather than blame-placing; avoid making public statements or acting in ways that would discredit the Board and undermine public confidence in the College or damage its reputation; and act consistently with the College's shared ethical values of Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Integrity, and Caring.
  3. Decision making: Trustees will become informed to the extent necessary to be an effective Trustee and vote on issues based on correct information; review meeting packets, pose clarifying questions to College staff, and prepare for meetings in advance; welcome and encourage citizen input on the College, while remembering that final decisions are the responsibility of the Board based on input from the staff and recommendations from the President; place the best interests of the College and the District as the top priority in deciding votes; recognize that the primary function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the College is administered, but that the administration of the educational programs and the conduct of College business is the primary function of the President and the staff; and abide by and support majority decisions of the Board.
  4. Conflict of Interest: Trustees will not use their position to obtain personal or financial gain for themselves, for family or friends, or for other organizations or businesses with which they are affiliated.  Trustees will not attempt to exercise undue influence over employment or purchasing decisions that are not ordinarily acted upon by the Board.  Trustees will not make use of College property or services for personal financial gain, except as they would be reasonably available to other residents of the District.
  5. Confidentiality: Trustees will maintain confidentiality of privileged information, including all information discussed in closed or executive session meetings and other communications, such as attorney-client privileged communications.
  6. Compliance with law: Trustees will abide by all laws relevant to their role at the College.  Nothing in this policy will in any way restrict the application or take precedence over misfeasance or nonfeasance in office.

Revised: 02-12-1987, 03-23-1987, 07-22-2002, 03-24-2003

116.02 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act Compliance

  1. Definitions and General Provisions
    1. Definitions: For purposes of this Policy, the following terms shall be given these definitions or, if different from time to time, then as defined by the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (codified at 5 ILCS 430/1-1 and following):
      1. Board means the Board of Trustees of the College.
      2. Campaign for elective office means any activity in furtherance of an effort to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any federal, State, or local public office or office in a political organization, or the selection, nomination, or election of Presidential or Vice-Presidential electors, but does not include activities (i) relating to the support or opposition of any executive, legislative, or administrative action, (ii) relating to collective bargaining, or (iii) that are otherwise in furtherance of the person's official duties.
      3. Candidate means a person who has filed nominating papers or petitions for nomination or election to an elected office, or who has been appointed to fill a vacancy in nomination, and who remains eligible for placement on the ballot at a regular election, as defined in section 1-3 of the Election Code (10 ILCS 5/1-3).
      4. Collective bargaining has the same meaning as contemplated by the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act (115 ILCS 5/1 and following).
      5. Compensated time means, with respect to an employee, any time worked by or credited to the employee that counts toward any minimum work time requirement imposed as a condition of his or her employment, but for purposes of this Policy, does not include any designated holidays, vacation periods, personal time, compensatory time off or any period when the employee is on a leave of absence.  With respect to officers or employees whose hours are not fixed, compensated time includes any period of time when the officer or employee is on premises under the control of the College and any other time when the officer or employee is executing his or her official duties, regardless of location.
      6. Compensatory time off means authorized time off earned by or awarded to an employee to compensate in whole or in part for time worked in excess of the minimum work time required of that employee as a condition of his or her employment.
      7. Contribution has the same meaning as that term is defined in section 9-1.4 of the Election Code (10 ILCS 5/9-1.4).
      8. Employee means a person employed by the College whether on a fulltime or part-time basis or pursuant to a contract, whose duties are subject to the direction and control of an employer with regard to the material details of how the work is to be performed, but does not include a volunteer or an independent contractor.
      9. Employer means the College.
      10. Gift means any gratuity, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, forbearance, or other tangible or intangible item having monetary value including, but not limited to, cash, food and drink, and honoraria for speaking engagements related to or attributable to government employment or the official position of an officer or employee.
      11. Leave of absence means any period during which an employee does not receive (i) compensation for employment, (ii) service credit towards pension benefits, and (iii) health insurance benefits paid for by the employer.
      12. Officer means a person who holds, by election or appointment, an office created by statute or law, regardless of whether the officer is compensated for service in his or her official capacity.  The term officer includes all members of the Board of Trustees.
      13. Political activity means any activity in support of or in connection with any campaign for elective office or any political organization, but does not include activities (i) relating to the support or opposition of any executive, legislative, or administrative action, (ii) relating to collective bargaining, or (iii) that are otherwise in furtherance of the person's official duties.
      14. Political organization means a party, committee, association, fund, or other organization (whether or not incorporated) that is required to file a statement of organization with the State Board of Elections or a county clerk under Section 9-3 of the Election Code (10 ILCS 5/9-3), as the case may be, but only with regard to those activities that require filing with the State Board of Elections or a county clerk.
      15. Prohibited political activity means:
        1. Preparing for, organizing, or participating in any political meeting, political rally, political demonstration, or other political event.
        2. Soliciting contributions, including but not limited to the purchase of, selling, distributing, or receiving payment for tickets for any political fundraiser, political meeting, or other political event.
        3. Soliciting, planning the solicitation of, or preparing any document or report regarding anything of value intended as a campaign contribution.
        4. Planning, conducting, or participating in a public opinion poll in connection with a campaign for elective office or on behalf of a political organization for political purposes or for or against any referendum question.
        5. Surveying or gathering information from potential or actual voters in an election to determine probable vote outcome in connection with a campaign for elective office or on behalf of a political organization for political purposes or for or against any referendum question.
        6. Assisting at the polls on election day on behalf of any political organization or candidate for elective office or for or against any referendum question.
        7. Soliciting votes on behalf of a candidate for elective office or a political organization or for or against any referendum question or helping in an effort to get voters to the polls.
        8. Initiating for circulation, preparing, circulating, reviewing, or filing any petition on behalf of a candidate for elective office or for or against any referendum question.
        9. Making contributions on behalf of any candidate for elective office in that capacity or in connection with a campaign for elective office.
        10. Preparing or reviewing responses to candidate questionnaires.
        11. Distributing, preparing for distribution, or mailing campaign literature, campaign signs, or other campaign material on behalf of any candidate for elective office or for or against any referendum question.
        12. Campaigning for any elective office or for or against any referendum question.
        13. Managing or working on a campaign for elective office or for or against any referendum question.
        14. Serving as a delegate, alternate, or proxy to a political party convention.
        15. Participating in any recount or challenge to the outcome of any election.
      16. Prohibited source means any person or entity who:
        1. Is seeking official action (i) by an officer or (ii) by an employee, or by the officer or another employee directing that employee;
        2. Does business or seeks to do business (i) with the officer or (ii) with an employee, or with the officer or another employee directing that employee;
        3. Conducts activities regulated (i) by the officer or (ii) by an employee, or by the officer or another employee directing that employee; or
        4. Has interests that may be substantially affected by the performance or non- performance of the official duties of the officer or employee.
    2. Construction: This Policy shall be construed in a manner consistent with the provisions of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (codified at 5 ILCS 430/1-1 and following).  This Policy is intended to impose the same but not greater restrictions than the Act.
  2. Prohibited Political Activities
    1. No officer or employee shall intentionally perform any prohibited political activity during any compensated time, as defined herein.  No officer or employee shall intentionally use any property or resources of the College in connection with any prohibited political activity.
    2. At no time shall any officer or employee intentionally require any other officer or employee to perform any prohibited political activity (i) as part of that officer or employee's duties, (ii) as a condition of employment, or (iii) during any compensated time off (such as holidays, vacation or personal time off).
    3. No officer or employee shall be required at any time to participate in any prohibited political activity in consideration for that officer or employee being awarded additional compensation or any benefit, whether in the form of a salary adjustment, bonus, compensatory time off, continued employment or otherwise, nor shall any officer or employee be awarded additional compensation or any benefit in consideration for his or her participation in any prohibited political activity.
    4. Nothing in this Section prohibits activities that are permissible for an officer or employee to engage in as part of his or her official duties, or activities that are undertaken by an officer or employee on a voluntary basis which are not prohibited by this Policy.
    5. No person either (i) in a position that is subject to recognized merit principles of public employment or (ii) in a position the salary for which is paid in whole or in part by federal funds and that is subject to the Federal Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration applicable to grant-in-aid programs, shall be denied or deprived of employment or tenure solely because he or she is a member or an officer of a political committee, of a political party, or of a political organization or club.
  3. Gift Ban
    1. Except as permitted by this Article, no officer or employee, and no spouse of or immediate family member living with any officer or employee (collectively referred to herein as recipients), shall intentionally solicit or accept any gift from any prohibited source, as defined herein, or which is otherwise prohibited by law. No prohibited source shall intentionally offer or make a gift that violates this Section.
    2. Exceptions.  Section 3a is not applicable to the following:
      1. Opportunities, benefits, and services that are available on the same conditions as for the general public.
      2. Anything for which the officer or employee, or his or her spouse or immediate family member, pays the fair market value.
      3. Any (i) contribution that is lawfully made under the Election Code or (ii) activities associated with a fundraising event in support of a political organization or candidate.
      4. Educational materials and missions.
      5. Travel expenses for a meeting to discuss business.
      6. A gift from a relative, meaning those people related to the individual as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, great aunt, great uncle, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother- in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, and including the father, mother, grandfather, or grandmother of the individual's spouse and the individual's fiancé.
      7. Anything provided by an individual on the basis of a personal friendship unless the recipient has reason to believe that, under the circumstances, the gift was provided because of the official position or employment of the recipient or his or her spouse or immediate family member and not because of the personal friendship. In determining whether a gift is provided on the basis of personal friendship, the recipient shall consider the circumstances under which the gift was offered, such as: (i) the history of the relationship between the individual giving the gift and the recipient of the gift, including any previous exchange of gifts between those individuals; (ii) whether to the actual knowledge of the recipient the individual who gave the gift personally paid for the gift or sought a tax deduction or business reimbursement for the gift; and (iii) whether to the actual knowledge of the recipient the individual who gave the gift also at the same time gave the same or similar gifts to other officers or employees, or their spouses or immediate family members.
      8. Food or refreshments provided as a contribution under the definition of the term offered above, not exceeding $75 per person in value on a single calendar day; provided that the food or refreshments are (i) consumed on the premises from which they were purchased or prepared or (ii) catered. For the purposes of this Section, catered means food or refreshments that are purchased ready to consume which are delivered by any means.
      9. Food, refreshments, lodging, transportation, and other benefits resulting from outside business or employment activities (or outside activities that are not connected to the official duties of an officer or employee), if the benefits have not been offered or enhanced because of the official position or employment of the officer or employee, and are customarily provided to others in similar circumstances.
      10. Intra-governmental and inter-governmental gifts. For the purpose of this Act, intra-governmental gift means any gift given to an officer or employee from another officer or employee, and inter-governmental gift means any gift given to an officer or employee by an officer or employee of another governmental entity.
      11. Bequests, inheritances, and other transfers at death.
      12. Any item or items from any one prohibited source during any calendar year having a cumulative total value of less than $100.  Each of the exceptions listed in this Section is mutually exclusive and independent of every other.
      13. Any item or items provided by the College in support of the employee's, officer's or member's discharge of official duties.
    3. Disposition of Gifts: An officer or employee, his or her spouse or an immediate family member living with the officer or employee, does not violate this Policy if the recipient promptly takes reasonable action to return a gift from a prohibited source to its source or gives the gift or an amount equal to its value to an appropriate charity that is exempt from income taxation under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now or hereafter amended, renumbered, or succeeded.
  4. Ethics Advisor
    1. The President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, may designate an Ethics Advisor for the College.  If no other designation is made, the regularly retained attorney of the College will serve as the Ethics Advisor.
    2. The Ethics Advisor shall provide guidance to the officers and employees of the College concerning the interpretation of and compliance with the provisions of this Policy and State ethics laws.  The Ethics Advisor shall perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Board.
  5. Ethics Commission
    1. An Ethics Commission may be appointed by the Board to review opinions issued by the Ethics Advisor, to consider ethics complaints, and to undertake other responsibilities deemed appropriate. If appointed, the Ethics Commission shall consist of three members.  No person shall be appointed as a member of the Commission who is related, either by blood or by marriage up to the degree of first cousin, to any member of the Board of Trustees.  The Ethics Commission may be appointed to serve on an ongoing basis or on an ad hoc basis.
    2. Where appointed to serve on an ongoing basis, at the first meeting of the Ethics Commission, the initial appointees shall draw lots to determine their initial terms. Two commissioners shall serve two-year terms, and the third commissioner shall serve a one-year term.  Thereafter, all commissioners shall be appointed to two-year terms.   Commissioners may be reappointed to serve subsequent terms.  At the first meeting of the Commission, the commissioners shall choose a chairperson from their number.  Meetings shall be held at the call of the chairperson or any two commissioners.  A quorum shall consist two commissioners, and official action by the commission shall require the affirmative vote of two members.
    3. The Board of Trustees: The Board may remove a commissioner in case of incompetency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office after service on the commissioner by certified mail, return receipt requested, of a copy of the written charges against the commissioner and after providing an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel upon not less than ten days' notice.  Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
    4. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
      1. To promulgate procedures and rules governing the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers.
      2. Upon receipt of a signed, notarized, written complaint, to investigate, conduct hearings and deliberations, issue recommendations for disciplinary actions or reprimand.  The Commission shall, however, act only upon the receipt of a written complaint alleging a violation of this Policy and not upon its own prerogative.
      3. To receive information from the public pertaining to its investigations and to require additional information and documents from persons who may have violated the provisions of this Policy.
      4. To compel the attendance of witnesses and to compel the production of books and papers pertinent to an investigation.  It is the obligation of all officers and employees of the College to cooperate with the Commission during the course of its investigations.  Failure or refusal to cooperate with requests by the Commission shall constitute grounds for discipline or discharge.
      5. The powers and duties of the Commission are limited to matters clearly within the purview of this Policy.
    5. Complaints
      1. Complaints alleging a violation of this Policy shall be filed with the Ethics Commission.
      2. The Commission shall send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice to the respondent that a complaint has been filed against him or her and a copy of the complaint.  The Commission shall also send by certified mail, return receipt requested, a confirmation of the receipt of the complaint to the complainant.  The notices to the respondent and the complainant shall also advise them of the date, time, and place of the meeting to determine the sufficiency of the complaint and to establish whether probable cause exists to proceed.
      3. Upon not less than 48 hours' public notice, the Commission shall meet to review the sufficiency of the complaint and, if the complaint is deemed sufficient to allege a violation of this Policy, to determine whether there is cause, based on the evidence presented by the complainant, to proceed. The meeting may be closed to the public to the extent required by the Open Meetings Act.  The Commission shall issue notice to the complainant and the respondent of the Commission's ruling on the sufficiency of the complaint and, if necessary, on cause to proceed within ten business days after such meeting.  If the complaint is deemed sufficient to allege a violation and there is a determination of cause, then the Commission's notice to the parties shall include a hearing date scheduled within four weeks thereafter.
      4. On the scheduled date and upon at least 48 hours' public notice of the meeting, the Commission shall conduct a hearing on the complaint and shall allow both parties the opportunity to present testimony and evidence. The hearing may be closed to the public only if authorized by the Open Meetings Act.
      5. Within 30 days after the date the hearing or any recessed hearing is concluded, the Commission shall either (i) dismiss the complaint or (ii) issue a recommendation for discipline or reprimand to the alleged violator and to the Board of Trustees.  The particular findings in the case, any recommendation for discipline, and any fine imposed shall be a matter of public information.
      6. A complaint alleging the violation of this Policy must be filed within one year after the alleged violation.
  6. Board Action on Recommendation of Commission
    1. Officers: Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Ethics Commission, the Board may issue a reprimand to a board member or officer who intentionally violates any provision of this Policy.
    2. Employees: Upon receipt of a recommendation from the Ethics Commission, the Board may initiate a disciplinary or discharge action against an employee who intentionally violates any provision of this Policy in accordance with the applicable procedures.

Revised: 06-07-2004

117.01 Board Orientation

  1. Within a month of seating, the new Board member will be provided with a policy manual.  The Chairperson will designate discussion of same in a regularly scheduled Board meeting or in a workshop.
  2. The new Board member shall be provided with a glossary of terms and associations.
  3. The administration will provide the new member with the opportunity of a tour of the facilities and staff introductions.  Previously seated members are to be included if they so desire.
  4. Minutes of meetings for the prior six meetings shall be provided by the administration.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-28-1994

117.02 Board Self-Evaluation

At least once each year, the Board shall conduct a self-evaluation.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-28-1994

200 - Administration

201.01 Administrative Organization

The Board encourages the development of an administrative structure that will provide for the free flow of information between and among the President and his or her staff and faculty and clear lines of responsibility and authority.  The administrative organization of the College must remain stable to the extent that it provides a clear understanding among the staff and faculty as to responsibility and job assignments and, at the same time, remains flexible enough to allow for appropriate changes when circumstances make them necessary.  The President will recommend for approval of the Board, the organizational structure of the College and, as circumstances require, any changes that will improve the overall College operations.  All Sauk Valley Community College employees shall be responsible to the Board through the President.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 07-22-2002

202.01 Administrative Staff Rules and Work Procedures

The Board of Trustees recognizes the responsibility of the administrative staff to establish rules and procedures governing the administration of the College and directs that the administration will maintain and issue written administrative rules and procedures for the general and specific administration of the institution. All rules and procedures shall be placed in appropriate handbooks, and shall be reviewed annually. These rules and procedures shall not be in conflict with Board policies and Illinois Community College Board regulations.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983, 12-19-2016

203.01 Duties and Responsibilities of Administrative and Confidential Personnel

Administrators of the College are expected to responsibly administer the areas under their management and supervision in accordance with the policies and regulations set forth by the Board and as designated by the Illinois Public Community College Act.  Within the limits of their authority, they shall demonstrate initiative and good judgment and, in full cooperation with other administrators and faculty, provide leadership in helping to create effective conditions for the fulfillment of the College's mission.

  1. Duties of the President
    1. The President shall be engaged in executive management functions and is charged with the responsibility of directing and effectuating Board of Trustees policies and practices.
    2. The President shall in the regular course of his or her duties assist and act in a confidential capacity to persons, including the Board of Trustees, who formulate, determine, and effectuate management policies with regard to labor relations and shall in the regular course of his or her duties have access to information relating to the effectuation or review of employer's collective bargaining policies.
    3. The President shall have the authority to recommend to the Board of Trustees to hire, transfer, suspend, reward, or discipline employees and to recommend action concerning grievances of employees.
    4. The above duties are in addition to the duties listed in Policy 204.01.
  2. Duties of the Vice Presidents and Deans
    1. Vice Presidents and Deans shall in the regular course of their duties assist and act in a confidential capacity to persons, including the Board of Trustees and the President, in formulating, determining, and effectuating management policies with regard to labor relations and, toward this end, shall have access to all collective bargaining policies.
    2. Vice Presidents and Deans shall be engaged in executive management functions and are charged with the responsibility of directing and effectuating Board of Trustees policies and practices.
  3. College Treasurer: The Treasurer shall in the regular course of his or her duties have access to information relating to the effectuation of review of employer's collective bargaining policies.
  4. Secretary to the President; Secretary to the Vice Presidents and Deans: The Secretary shall have in the regular course of his or her duties access to information relating to the effectuation or review of the employer's collective bargaining policies.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 12-19-1983, 07-22-2002

204.01 Duties and Responsibilities of the President of the College

The President of the College is the chief executive, administrative, and education officer of the community college district and derives authority from, and is responsible to, the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees.  The President's primary responsibility is to provide vision for the College and continuous leadership and direction for the planning and operation of all aspects of the College's programs and services in conformity with Board policies, ICCB and IBHE rules and regulations, and State law.  More specifically, the President is responsible for:

  1. Developing and implementing a progressive and community-responsive College philosophy, including a comprehensive strategic plan that details the institutional mission, vision, goals and objectives, priorities, and resources for the current and long-range needs of the district;
  2. Developing, maintaining, and evaluating the academic programs and student services of the College and creating a climate that enhances student learning, stimulates creative approaches to teaching and learning, and motivates staff, faculty, and students to optimum achievement;
  3. Developing and maintaining an appropriate administrative organization to ensure effective and efficient management of the College and its resources;
  4. Recommending policies for Board action, and implementing those policies adopted by the Board;
  5. Developing and maintaining a personnel operation that includes the recruitment, selection, development, compensation, evaluation, and continuation of all College staff and faculty;
  6. Preparing, recommending, and administrating the annual operating and capital budgets as approved by the Board of Trustees;
  7. Maintaining and making efficient use of existing institutional resources, and creating new resources;
  8. Providing for effective internal and external communications, including keeping the Board informed, being the College's chief spokesperson, and representing the College to the general public;
  9. Providing for the preparation and submission of all reports required by local, state, and national agencies;
  10. Representing and actively participating in appropriate local, state, and national efforts to promote the interests of the College;
  11. Managing the operational affairs of the Board of Trustees, including being its professional advisor by analyzing implications of proposed actions and making recommendations, handling agendas, minutes, policies, and other necessary records;
  12. Representing the College interests as a member of the Sauk Valley Community College Foundation Board of Directors;
  13. Delegating to appropriate staff, faculty, and committees powers and duties listed above as the President deems appropriate for the administration of the College;
  14. Exercising the discretionary power necessary to ensure the continuous efficient operation of the College, and deciding all other administrative matters not outlined above and for which no specific provision has been made in the law or by Board policies; and
  15. Performing any other duties assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 12-18-1989

205.01 The College Calendar

  1. The fiscal year of the College is from July 1 of one year to June 30 of the next year inclusive.
  2. The College academic year shall begin with the registration and orientation scheduled just prior to the first day of instruction of the fall semester, whichever is earlier, and extend no less than one day beyond the official date of Commencement at the end of the spring semester.  For purposes of administration, the summer session is considered a special session outside the academic year calendar.
  3. An administrative calendar specifying working days for all twelve-month personnel will be issued by the Office of the President prior to the start of each fiscal year (July 1).
  4. The College shall schedule a sufficient number of preparatory, instructional, and testing days each semester to ensure that adequate time is provided for teaching and learning and to comply with minimum State requirements and standards.  The calendar shall also include days for registration, pre-entrance testing, and other activities associated with admission to the College.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 03-23-1987

300 - Business Operations

301.01  Budgeting, Purchasing, Accounting, and Auditing Procedures

Budgeting, purchasing, accounting, and auditing procedures shall be conducted according to generally accepted accounting practices as prescribed by the Illinois Community College Board, by other cognizant government agencies, and by such statutes as may be applicable to the expenditure of public funds.

Revised: 02-12-1979

302.01 Budget Control Policy

The budget is a tool used in implementing the philosophies and objectives of the College. It is prepared by the administration of the College and submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval.  The College budget requires that institutional resources be allocated on an organizational unit basis by function and object so that appropriations and expenditures may be controlled and reported by the person directly responsible for the financial management of the budget.


The financial integrity and responsibility of the College require that College personnel shall underwrite expenditures only in those functions or objects specifically assigned to them by the budget.  Obligations should be incurred only as a result of legal requirements, Board of Trustees policies, and specific Board approval.  The Board approves the budget on an annual basis and budget changes must be approved on a specific individual change basis.  Any expenditure committed for an object and/or a function by College personnel not directly responsible for that function and not cleared in advance by a budget transfer, shall be considered a personal expenditure of that individual and shall not be considered as an obligation of the College.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987

302.02 Payment of Bills

302.02 Payment of Bills

  1. Responsibility of Treasurer: The College Treasurer is responsible for the receipt of tax revenue, all certifications and claims of taxes, and investments of College funds, providing a monthly financial report to the Board of Trustees, and for all disbursements of College funds. 
  2. Board Approval: All disbursements made by the Treasurer shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval.
  3. Time of Disbursements
    1. The Treasurer may, in his or her discretion, disburse funds for payment of the following items prior to receipt of Board approval. 
      1. All expenditures under $2,500
      2. Regular payroll checks and related withholding payments;
      3. Investments permitted by law;
      4. All utilities i.e., water, electric, gas, sewer, waste disposal, telephone, etc.
      5. Approved travel advances;
      6. Travel reimbursements consistent with policy;
      7. Student aid and stipends provided pursuant to recognized student aid programs;
      8. Refunds to students, staff, faculty, or retirees consistent with policy;
      9. Charges, expenses, or honoraria for personal incidental services to the College by third parties rendered consistently with prior authorization or contract;
      10. Bills eligible for discount;
      11. Bills subject to penalty if not paid before the next Board of Trustee's meeting;
      12. Interfund transfers consistent with policy;
      13. Auxiliary fund transfers consistent with policy;
      14. Agency fund transfers consistent with policy; and
      15. Other urgent bills that, in the discretion of the Treasurer, must be paid to protect the College.
    2. All disbursement of funds authorized by this clause shall be submitted for Board ratification at the Board meeting immediately following the disbursements.  Any payments made pursuant to clause (xv) hereof shall be disclosed to the recipient as being subject to Board ratification and being conditional thereon.
    3. All other disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer only after obtaining prior approval from the Board.



Revised: 12-16-1991, 12-21-1998, 08-26-2013

303.01 Contracts

The President, or designee as appropriate within set administrative procedures, is authorized by the Board to sign contracts and agreement on behalf of the College.  This policy shall apply except in cases specified by the State or Federal law, which require the signature of the Chair or the Secretary of the Board.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-28-1994, 06-28-2004, 05-14-2007

304.01 Disposition of Equipment

Disposal of obsolete equipment shall be accomplished by public advertisement upon recommendation of the President and approval of the Board.

Revised: 02-12-1979

305.01 Purchasing Policy

The administration of the purchasing policies and guidelines as set forth herein shall be the responsibility of the Chief Fiscal Officer. This document shall serve to enable responsible parties to act in the best interests of Sauk Valley Community College. An efficient, wellplanned, and organized program of purchasing policies is imperative to protect the public trust relative to the expenditures of public tax monies. Because the success of the purchasing program depends on the ways and means of implementation, management, and administration, it is apparent that this written policy shall govern the purchasing program and its use.

  1. Ethics: All administrators acting as purchasing agents for Sauk Valley Community College shall ever be mindful of and practice the following ethics:
    1. To regard public service as a sacred trust giving primary consideration to the interest of the school district;
    2. To purchase without prejudice, seeking to obtain the maximum benefit for each tax dollar expended;
    3. To strive for knowledge of school equipment and supplies in order to recommend items that may either reduce costs or increase the efficiency of the means of education;
    4. To insist on and expect honesty in sales representation whether offered verbally or in the sample of product submitted;
    5. To give all responsible bidders equal consideration and the assurance of unbiased judgment in determining whether their product meets specifications and the educational needs of the district;
    6. To discourage the offer of, and to decline, gifts which in any way might influence the purchase of school equipment and supplies;
    7. To accord a prompt and courteous reception, insofar as conditions permit, to all who call on legitimate business missions; and
    8. To cooperate with educational, governmental, and trade associations in the promotion and development of sound business methods in the procurement of school equipment and supplies.
  2. Procedures
    1. The Chief Fiscal Officer shall have the responsibility of securing for the district its requirements for services, materials, supplies, and equipment at the lowest possible cost consistent with satisfactory standards for quality and service.
    2. Supervision and control of all purchases shall be the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer, or his/her responsible officer.
    3. The departmental budgets will be charged for the value of the merchandise received. All purchases are to be initiated by requisition and signed by the requestor and the Chief Fiscal Officer. Additional signatures are needed as noted below:
      1. Signature of the requestor's immediate supervisor for purchases of $100 to $1,000;
      2. Signature of President's Cabinet member for purchase of $1,000-$5,000; and
      3. Signature of the President for purchases of $5,001 or more.
    4. Quotes will be required prior to initiating certain purchases that are not listed in the exclusions in section 3(iv.):
      1. $3,000 to $9,999 require a quote from 2 vendors;
      2. $10,000 to $24,999 requires a quote from 3 vendors.
  3. Policies
    1. Budgeted Expenditures: All expenditures for items of services, materials, supplies and equipment which have been budgeted for all College funds of the College shall be bid and purchased within the following guidelines and policies:
      1. Purchases involving and expenditure of less than $25,000 may be authorized by the Chief Fiscal Officer without advertising for bids, or requiring formal competitive bidding. The Chief Financial Officer shall determine the type of bidding necessary, the procedure being dependent upon the circumstances pertaining to each particular purchase.
      2. Purchases involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality and serviceability, after due advertisement, except contracts which by their nature are not adaptable to competitive bidding such as contracts for:
        1. services for individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the ability or fitness of the individual plays an important part;
        2. printing of finance committee reports and departmental reports;
        3. printing or engraving of bonds, tax warrants, and other evidences of indebtedness;
        4. materials and work which have been awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after due advertisement, but due to unforeseen revisions, not the fault of the contractor for materials and work, must be revised causing expenditures not in excess of 10% of the contract price;
        5. maintenance or servicing of, or provision of repair parts for, equipment which are made with the manufacturer or authorized service agent of that equipment where the provision of parts, maintenance, or servicing can best be performed by the manufacturer or authorized service agent;
        6. use, purchase, delivery, movement, or installation of data processing equipment, software, or services and telecommunications and inter-connect equipment, software, and services;
        7. duplicating machines and supplies;
        8. purchase of natural gas when the cost is less than that offered by a public utility;
        9. purchases of equipment previously owned by some entity other than the district itself;
        10. repair, maintenance, remodeling, renovation, or construction or a single project involving an expenditure not to exceed $50,000 and not involving a change or increase in the size, type, or extent of an existing facility;
        11. goods or services procured from another governmental agency;
        12. goods or services which are economically procurable from only one source, such as for the purchase of magazines, books, periodicals, pamphlets and reports, and for utility services such as water, light, heat, telephone, or telegraph;
        13. where funds are expended in an emergency and such emergency expenditure is approved by 75% of the members of the Board.
      3. All competitive bids for contracts involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 (50,000 for contracts listed in ii.(9) above) must be sealed by the bidder and must be opened by a member or employee of the Board, and witnessed, at a public bid opening at which the contents of the bids must be announced. Electronic bid submissions shall be considered a sealed document for competitive bid requests if they are received at the designated office by the time and date set for receipt of bids. Electronic bid submissions must be authorized by specific language in the bid documents in order to be considered. Bids for construction purposes are prohibited from being submitted electronically. Each bidder must receive at least three days' notice of the time and place of such bid opening.
      4. Due advertisement includes, but is not limited to, at least one public notice at least ten days before the bid date in a newspaper published in the district, or if no newspaper is published in the district, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the district.
      5. All requests for competitive bids shall be issued through the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
    2. Non-Budgeted Expenditures: Purchases of services, materials, supplies, and equipment which have not been specifically budgeted for in any of the College funds or shall be purchased according to the policies and guidelines as set forth in Section A, with the exception that responsibility for approval to purchase under this Section B, rests with the Board of Trustees.
    3. Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements: The Chief Fiscal Officer may pursue cooperative purchasing arrangements with other public institutions and the State of Illinois Department of General Services, in accordance with Paragraph 3-27.2 Joint Purchases, of the Illinois Public Community College Act. The Board Secretary is authorized to sign the appropriate resolution for the State of Illinois Department of General Services.
    4. Miscellaneous: The Chief Fiscal Officer will exercise discretion in determining the responsibility of each bidder. The lowest responsible bidder will be awarded the contract, provided he/she meets the specific requirements set forth in the bidding document. Preference will be given to persons or firms located in the college district so long as they provide the needed service on a substantially equal basis with the persons or firms located outside the district.
  4. Equal Employment Opportunity Clause: All contracts to which the College is a party shall be conditioned upon the requirement that the supplier of materials or services of the contractor and his/her subcontractor, and all labor organizations furnishing skilled, unskilled and craft union skilled labor, or who may perform any such labor or services, as the case may be, shall not commit an unfair employment practice in this State as defined in Section 853 of Chap. 48, IL. Rev. Stats. All such contracts shall have incorporated therein the "Equal Employment Opportunity Clause" required under the Rules and Regulations of the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Commission as follows:


In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with any provision of this Equal Employment Opportunity Clause (EEOC), the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act of the Fair Employment Practices Commission's (IFEPC) Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts, the contractor may be declared non-responsible and therefore ineligible for future contracts or sub-contracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations, and the contract may be canceled or voided in whole or in part, and such other sanctions or penalties may be imposed or remedies invoked as provided by statute or regulation.

  1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
    1. That it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry; and further that it will examine all job classifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and will take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization.
    2. That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform this contract, or any portion hereof, it will determine the availability (in accordance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts) of minorities and women in the area(s) from which it may reasonably recruit and it will hire for each job classification for which employees are hired in such a way that minorities and women are not underutilized.
    3. That in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by it or on its behalf, it will state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or ancestry.
    4. That it will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which it has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement of understanding, a notice advising such labor organization or representative of the contractor's obligations under the Illinois Fair Employment Act and the Commission's Rule and Regulations for Public Contracts. If any such labor organization or representative fails or refuses to cooperate with the contractor in its efforts to comply with such Act and Rules and Regulations, the contractor will promptly so notify the IFEPC and the contracting agency and will recruit employees from other sources when necessary to fulfill its obligations thereunder.
    5. That it will submit reports as required by the IFEPC's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts, furnish all relevant information as may from time to time be requested by the Commission or the contracting agency, and in all respects comply with the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act and the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts.
    6. That it will permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and work sites by personnel of the contracting agency and the IFEPC for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Act and the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts.
    7. That it will include verbatim or by reference the previous provisions of this clause in every performance subcontract as defined in Section 2.10 (b) of the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts so that such provisions will be binding upon every such subcontractor; and that it will also so include the provisions of paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7 in every supply subcontract as defined in Section 2.10 (a) of the Commission's Rules and Regulations for Public Contracts so that such provisions will be binding upon every such subcontractor.
  2. In the same manner as with other provisions of this contract, the contractor will be liable for compliance with applicable provisions of this clause by all its subcontractors; and further it will promptly notify the contracting agency and the IFEPC in the event any subcontractor fails or refuses to comply therewith. In addition, no contractor will utilize any subcontractor declared by the Commission to be non-responsible and therefore ineligible for contracts or subcontracts with the State of Illinois or any of its political subdivisions or municipal corporations.
  3. With respect to the two types of subcontracts referred to under the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause above, following is an excerpt of Section 2 of the FEPC's Rules and Regulation for Public Contracts:
    1. Section 2.10: The term "Subcontract" means any agreement, arrangement or understanding, written or otherwise, between a contractor and any person (in which the parties do not stand in the relationship of an employer and an employee);
    2. For the furnishing of supplies or services or for the use of real or personal property, including lease arrangements, which, in whole or in part, is utilized in the performance of any one or more contracts; or
    3. Under which any portion of the contractor's obligations under any one or more contracts is performed, undertaken or assumed.
    4. This Clause may be incorporated in the College's contracts by reference to this purchasing policy.
  4. Sexual Harassment Clause: Each party submitting a proposal must certify that they have complied with the requirement of section 2-105 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (PA 87-1257) effective July 1, 1993, with respect to sexual harassment policies. The terms of the law as applicable are hereby incorporated into this contract.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-23-1992, 11-28-1994, 01-25-1999, 03-27-2000, 06-28-2004, 11-22-2010, 08-23-2013, 10-26-2015, 07-24-2017

305.02 Credit Card Use Policy

College Credit Cards shall only be issued to College employees or Board of Trustee members as may be designated by the Chief Fiscal Officer from time to time.  The Chief Fiscal Officer shall also establish, from time to time, the credit limit for each College Credit Card.

  1. General Purpose: It is the purpose of this policy to authorize the use of College Credit Cards to ease the purchasing process with online or non-charge account vendors, to speed up delivery, to provide accommodations, and to otherwise facilitate the official business of the College.  At the same time, procedures and protocols must be in place to ensure that College Credit Cards are being used solely for the official business of the College and not for personal or other improper uses.
  2. Cardholder Responsibilities: Cardholders issued a College Credit Card shall be responsible for the following:
    1. Only authorized College employees or Board of Trustee members who have obtained an approved Purchase Order may use a College Credit Card.
    2. A College Credit Card may only be used for the purchase of goods or services for official business of the College.  All required procurement policies and procedures must be followed.
    3. The College Credit Card may not be used for cash advances, personal use, or any other type of prohibited purchase.
    4. The Cardholder or designated custodian is responsible for the card's protection and custody and will be required to sign a Credit Cardholder agreement every time a new card is issued.  The Cardholder shall immediately notify the Business Office if the card is lost, stolen, or otherwise believed to be compromised.
    5. The Cardholder or designated custodian must immediately surrender the College Credit Card upon termination of employment or Board membership.
    6. The Cardholder or designated custodian shall not be permitted to alter the credit limit on the College Credit Card established by the Chief Fiscal Officer.
    7. The Cardholder or designated custodian must reconcile the monthly statement charges to documentation received from each Card User as detailed in the internal control section of this policy.
  3. Card User Responsibilities: Card Users of the College Credit Card shall be responsible for the following:
    1. Only authorized College employees or Board of Trustee members who have obtained an approved Purchase Order may use a College Credit Card.
    2. A College Credit Card may only be used for the purchase of goods or services for official business of the College.  All required procurement policies and procedures must be followed.
    3. The College Credit Card may not be used for cash advances, personal use, or any other type of prohibited purchase.
    4. The Card User is responsible for the card's protection and custody while in his or her possession.  Card User shall immediately notify the Cardholder or designated custodian and Accounts Payable if the card is lost, stolen, or otherwise believed to be compromised.
    5. The Card User must sign and submit supporting documentation (original, if possible) itemized receipts, email confirmations, and packing slips to the Cardholder or designated custodian for every card transaction.
  4. Internal Control Procedures
    1. Use of Card and Reconciliation of Monthly Statement
      1. A Card User must submit a Purchase Order request via FAST (Faculty and Staff Tools) before a credit card transaction can be initiated.
      2. After the purchase order is approved, the Card User must present a printed copy of the approved Purchase Order to the Cardholder or designated custodian in order to obtain and use the College Credit Card.
      3. All supporting documentation (original, if possible, itemized receipts, email confirmations, and packing slips) must be signed by the Card User and submitted to the Cardholder or designated custodian.  The Cardholder or designated custodian will attach the supporting documentation to the back of the approved Purchase Order.
      4. The Business Office will send each Cardholder or designated custodian a monthly credit card statement by the 10th of the every month via interoffice mail.  The Cardholder or designated custodian must review the monthly statement activity.  Each item must be reconciled to an approved Purchase Order with supporting documentation to verify charges and returns are properly listed.
      5. Once all activity has been reconciled, the reconciler must sign the bottom of the monthly statement confirming all items have been reconciled to the documentation.  If the Cardholder is not the reconciler, then the Cardholder must also review and sign the monthly statement.
      6. The Cardholder must return the signed statement along with the approved Purchase Orders and supporting documentation to Accounts Payable within 10 days of receipt of the statement.  The Cardholder or designated custodian will be notified by email if this due date is modified for a specific month due to holidays or other factors.
    2. Payment and Administration of College Credit Cards
      1. No monthly statement for a College Credit Card will be paid until the Cardholder has signed the statement and submitted all required supporting documentation.
      2. The Chief Fiscal Officer is the administrator of this Credit Card Use Policy and shall be responsible for the issuance and retrieval of College Credit Cards assigned to Cardholders and for overseeing compliance with this policy.
      3. The Chief Fiscal Officer shall be responsible for the following:
        1. Assisting and maintaining record of issuance and retrieval of College Credit Cards and overseeing compliance with this policy.
        2. Accounting and payment of expenses.  All required documentation and approvals must accompany the reconciled monthly statement before payment is made.
        3. The balance on the credit card shall be paid by the statement due date.
    3. Penalty: Any Cardholder, designated custodian, or Card User found guilty of illegal or unauthorized use of a College Credit Card may be subject to penalties allowed by law, including possible referral for criminal prosecution, and disciplinary action(s) under the College's Personnel Policies, up to and including termination.

Revised: 11-23-2015

305.03 Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Contracts

  1. Introduction: This policy establishes the expectations of the College in meeting the goals of the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities Act (30 ILCS 575/1).
  2. Policy Statement: This Act establishes goals for all state agencies and public institutions of higher education to increase participation of businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities for State Contracts, professional service contracts, and requirements for college compliance and reporting as define by the Act (30 ILCS 657/1).
  3. Compliance: In order to remain compliance with the Act, the College will do the following:
    1. The College President shall appoint the Chief Financial Officer as the liaison to the Council;
    2. The College Liaison shall file an annual compliance plan with the Council, which shall include a copy of this Policy signed by the College President, which shall outline and summarize the College's goals for contracting with businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities for the current fiscal year, the manner in which the College intends to reach these goals, a timetable to reach these goals, and procedures to support this Policy as specified by the Act;
    3. The College Liaison shall file an annual report with the Council;
    4. The College Liaison shall provide notice to the Council of proposed contracts for processional services;
    5. The College shall use bid forms identifying the bidder's percentage or disadvantaged business utilization plans and percentage of business enterprise program utilization plan; and
    6. The College shall comply with all other requirements of the Act.

Revised: 05-23-2016

306.01 Abatement Policy

The College views the economic health of the District as a matter of great importance to the College.  The Board will look favorably toward tax abatements when by virtue of a tax abatement a significant benefit to the District in economic terms can be realized.  Abatement may be appropriate whether the need arises by virtue of expansion of an existing business or for attraction of new business.  The Board will be concerned with a net benefit in comparison with any short-term detriment the College may suffer as a result of the abatement as compared to non-abatement and will be concerned also with other benefits the District may enjoy as a result of the expansion of new business.

Tax abatement requests must be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees.  All such requests will be considered on an individual basis.  Abatement may be granted in the discretion of the Board.  Tax abatements will not be granted for a period of time in excess of ten years.

Applications for tax abatement shall be verified (notarized statement certifying that statements made in the application are true) and shall include the following information:

  1. Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
  2. Name, title, address, and telephone number of representative making application (if different from applicant).
  3. Name and address of owner of site (if different from applicant).
  4. Description of applicant's business generally and at the location where abatement is requested.
  5. Description (legal description and/or street address) of site.
  6. Real estate tax code(s) for site.
  7. Current equalized assessed valuation for site, and current taxes paid to Sauk.
  8. Description of current business operations conducted on site (if any), including number of employees working full-time and part-time.
  9. Description of projected future business operations to be conducted on site as a result of the project, including number of employees working full-time and part- time, and total estimated change in payroll from current operations.
  10. Detailed description of any business operations in the College district operated by or reasonably related to the petitioner which will be eliminated or reduced as a result of the proposed improvement.  If there will be no such elimination or reduction, so state.
  11. Total estimated cost of the project.
  12. Terms of abatement requested.
  13. Estimated dollar amount of abatement being requested from Sauk.
  14. Statement of why abatement is being requested.
  15. At the College's discretion, other additional information as may be required by and provided to the county, municipality and/or redevelopment agency where the property proposed for abatement is located.
  16. Appropriate substantiation that the relevant requirements of the county, municipality and/or redevelopment agency where the property proposed for abatement is located have been or are being met.
  17. Other information as may be requested by the College.

Revised: 08-27-1984, 03-23-1987, 03-24-2003, 06-27-2005

307.01 Capital Assets

  1. Accounting and Acquisitions - The College records Capital Assets in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States of America and practices prescribed by the Illinois Community College Board. Capital assets, which will be or are owned by the College, are recorded at cost or, if donated, at acquisition value at the date of a gift. The College adds equipment to inventory that, in general, has a useful life of more than one year and a unit value equal to or greater than $2,500. A non-cash addition of equipment or property is found or acquired through donation, loan, or transfer from another entity.

  2. Capitalization Thresholds and Useful Lives - The College capitalizes all property and equipment that, in general, have a useful life of more than one year and a unit value equal to or greater than the capitalization thresholds. Capital assets of the College, other than land, inexhaustible collections, indefinite-life intangible assets, and construction-in-progress, which are non-depreciable assets, are depreciated or amortized using the straight-line method over the following useful lives:

    Fixed Asset Dollar Threshold Useful Life (in Years)
    Land All Non-Depreciable
    Land Improvements $25,000 20
    Buildings $25,000 40
    Building Improvements $25,000 20
    Infrastructure $25,000 20
    Intangible - Software $25,000 5
    Intangible - Indefinite Life $5,000 Non-Depreciable
    Artwork $5,000 Non-Depreciable
    Equipment $5,000 6
    Vehicles $5,000 5
    IT Equipment $5,000 4

  3. Leases - Intangible ‘right-of-use' lease assets are recorded at cost based on the present value of expected payments over the term of the respective lease term (less any lease incentives) plus any payments made to the lessor at or before the commencement of the lease term and certain direct costs that are ancillary charges necessary to place the lease asset into service. The College will capitalize lease assets (and liabilities) with an initial measurement equal to or greater than $5,000. The College will amortize capitalized lease assets using the straight-line method over the shorter of the lease term or the useful life of the underlying asset (based on the classification in the table above). A short-term lease is defined as a lease that, at the commencement of the lease term, has a maximum possible term under the lease contract of 12 months (or less), including any options to extend, regardless of their probability of being exercised. The College will recognize short-term and non-capitalized leases as outflows of resources or inflows of resources, respectively, based on the payment provisions of the lease contract.

  4. Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA) - Intangible ‘right-of-use' subscription assets are recorded at cost based on the present value of expected payments over the term of the respective subscription plus any payments made to the SBITA vendor before commencement of the subscription term and capitalizable implementation costs, less any incentives received from the SBITA vendor at or before the commencement of the subscription term. The College will capitalize subscription assets (and liabilities) with an initial measurement equal to or greater than $25,000. The College will recognize amortization of capitalized subscription assets as an outflow of resources over the subscription term. Short-term SBITAs have a maximum possible term under the SBITA contract of 12 months (or less), including any options to extend, regardless of their probability of being exercised. Subscription payments for short-term and non-capitalized SBITAs will be recognized as outflows of resources.

  5. Collections - Collections are objects held and preserved as a group primarily for education, research, and/or public exhibition. There are two general types of collections: exhaustible and inexhaustible. Exhaustible items are “used up” so they are capitalized and depreciated. Inexhaustible items are maintained indefinitely so they are capitalized, but not depreciated. Exhaustible collections will be depreciated using the straight-line method over 10 years.

  6. Capitalizing Assets in the Aggregate - The College will capitalize assets whose individual acquisition costs are less than the capitalization threshold for an individual asset, but where the aggregate cost of such identical or similar items exceeds $25,000 at the time of purchase. Assets meeting these criteria will be capitalized in the aggregate for accounting purposes and depreciated using the straight-line method over the useful life based on their classification.

  7. Effective Date and Transition - This Board Policy shall have an effective date of July 1, 2022. The College's Business Office shall be responsible for transition and implementation of related College procedures.

Revised: 09-25-2023

309.01 Investment Policy

SCOPE OF POLICY - This Investment Policy applies to the investment activities of any funds which are or may come under the jurisdiction of the College. Investments made under the College investment policy in force at the time of the adoption of this policy shall be permitted to mature if they conformed with the old policy but not with this policy and if the College would sustain a loss if it was sold prior to maturity. Anything in this notwithstanding, the mandates of Illinois Compiled Statutes shall take precedence over this policy except where this policy is more restrictive.

  1. OBJECTIVES - The purpose of the College's Investment Policy is to establish cash management and investment guidelines for the stewardship of the public funds that are under the jurisdiction of the College. The specific objectives of the Policy are:
    1. Safety. The safety of principal and the security of monies, whether on hand or invested, shall be the primary concern of the Treasurer in selecting depositories or investments.
    2. Liquidity. The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet the College's reasonably anticipated operating requirements.
    3. Return. To the extent consistent with safety and the restriction imposed by this policy, the Treasurer shall seek to attain a market average or better rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account risk, constraints, cash flow, and legal restriction on investment.
    4. Local Considerations. The Treasurer shall use sound federally insured depositories located within the College District provided the aforementioned objectives are met, and such investments would be in compliance with all other conditions and limitations of this Investment Policy.
  2. GUIDELINES - To assist in attaining the stated objectives, the following guidelines shall be observed:
    1. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to insure preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To avoid unreasonable risks, diversification of investments is required. No one institution or Investment Company shall have more than 50% of the College's cash and invested funds at any one time.
    2. The portfolio should remain sufficiently liquid to meet operating requirements, which may be reasonably anticipated. Cash flow shall be reviewed quarterly.
    3. Investments shall be limited to those permitted by law, to the extent this policy is not more restrictive than the law.
    4. All funds shall be deposited/invested within three working days.
    5. When appropriate, investments shall be selected on the basis of competitive bids.
  3. DIVERSIFICATION - Diversification of the investment portfolio shall be consistent with the Objectives described in Paragraph A.
  4. RESPONSIBILITY - Investment of all funds under the control of the College is the direct responsibility of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions and shall establish a system of controls for all authorized subordinates who are directly involved in the assistance of such investment activities.
  5. PERFORMANCE MEASURES - The use of U.S. Treasury bills, average Fed Fund rate, Illinois Funds or other stable markets can be used to determine whether market yields are being achieved.
  6. PERIODIC REVIEW - The Treasurer shall establish annual independent review for internal control, which assures compliance within the Investment Policy. This will be accomplished with the College's external auditors.
  7. REPORTING - All investment transactions shall be recorded by the Treasurer or the Treasurer's staff. A report listing all active investments, location of investments, maturity of investments, interest rate and other pertinent information deemed necessary will be submitted monthly to the Board.
  8. INVESTMENT VEHICLES - Except as may be further limited by these policies, the Treasurer shall limit investments of College funds to those permitted in the Public Funds Investment Act (30 ILCS 235/).
    The Public Funds Investment Act (30 ILCS 235/2) authorizes the College to invest any public funds as follows:
    1. Bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, treasury bills or other securities now or hereafter issued, which are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America as to principal and interest;
    2. Bonds, notes, debentures, or other similar obligations of the United States of America, its agencies and its instrumentalities;
    3. Interest-bearing savings accounts, interest-bearing certificate of deposit or interest-bearing time deposits or any other investments constituting direct obligations of any bank as defined by the Illinois Banking Act;
    4. Obligations of corporations organized in the United States with assets exceeding $500,000,000 if (i) such obligations are rated at the time of purchase at one of the 3 highest classifications established by at least 2 standard rating services and which mature not later than 3 years from the date of purchase, (ii) such purchases do not exceed 10% of the corporation's outstanding obligations and (iii) no more than one-third of the public agency's funds may be invested in short term obligations of corporations; or
    5. Money market mutual funds registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, provided that the portfolio of any such money market mutual fund is limited to obligations described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection and to agreements to repurchase such obligations.
    6. The College may invest its public funds in interest bearing bonds of any county, township, city, village, incorporated town, municipal corporation, or school district, of the State of Illinois, or any other state, or of any political subdivision or agency of the State of Illinois or any other state, whether the interest earned thereon is taxable or tax-exempt under federal law. The bonds shall be registered in the name of the College or held under a custodial agreement tat a bank. The bonds shall be rated at the time of purchase within the 4 highest general classifications established by a rating service of nationally recognized expertise in rating bonds of states and their political subdivisions.
    7. Investments may be made only in banks which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The College may invest any public funds in short term discount obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association or in shares or other forms of securities legally issuable by savings banks or savings and loan associations incorporated under the laws of this State or any other state or under the laws of the United States. Investments may be made only in those savings banks or savings and loan associations the shares, or investment certificates of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Any such securities may be purchased at the offering or market price thereof at the time of such purchase. All such securities so purchased shall mature or be redeemable on a date or dates prior to the time when, in the judgment of such governing authority, the public funds so invested will be required for expenditure by such public agency or its governing authority. The expressed judgment of any such governing authority as to the time when any public funds will be required for expenditure or be redeemable is final and conclusive. The College may invest any public funds in dividendbearing share accounts, share certificate accounts or class of share accounts of a credit union chartered under the laws of this State or the laws of the United States; provided, however, the principal office of any such credit union must be located within the State of Illinois. Investments may be made only in those credit unions the accounts of which are insured by applicable law.
    8. The College may also invest any public funds in a Public Treasurers' Investment Pool created under Section 17 of the State Treasurer Act. Any public agency may also invest any public funds in a fund managed, operated, and administered by a bank, subsidiary of a bank, or subsidiary of a bank holding company or use the services of such an entity to hold and invest or advice regarding the investment of any public funds.
    9. The College may purchase or invest in repurchase agreements of government securities having the meaning set out in the Government Securities Act of 1986, as now or hereafter amended or succeeded, subject to the provisions of said Act and the regulations issued thereunder. The government securities, unless registered or inscribed in the name of the public agency, shall be purchased through banks or trust companies authorized to do business in the State of Illinois.
    10. In addition to all other investments authorized under this Section, the College may invest public funds in any mutual funds that invest primarily in corporate investment grade or global government short term bonds. Purchases of mutual funds that invest primarily in global government short term bonds shall be limited to funds with assets of at least $100 million and that are rated at the time of purchase as one of the 10 highest classifications established by a recognized rating service. The investments shall be subject to approval by the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees. The College shall not initiate purchases in any such aforementioned mutual funds to exceed an aggregate portfolio holding value exceeding 40% of the College's investment portfolio.
  9. FINANCIALINSTITUTIONS - The College, with the advice of the Treasurer, shall select which financial institutions will be eligible depositories for the College District. Any financial institution, upon meeting the requirements of the Illinois Compiled Statutes and of this Investment Policy, may request to become a depository for the College funds. The College will take into consideration security, size, location, financial condition, service, fees, competitiveness, and the community relations involvement of the financial institution when choosing depositories.
  10. COLLATERALIZATION OF DEPOSITS - To meet the objective of safety of capital, the Treasurer will always require deposits in excess of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation limits to be appropriately collateralized to the extent on One Hundred and Ten Percent (110%) and such collateralization shall be evidenced by an approved written agreement.
    1. Except as may be further limited by these policies, the Treasurer shall limit collateral instruments to those permitted in Illinois Compiled Statutes, 30 ILCS 235/6. A summary of allowable collateral instruments is as follows:
      1. Negotiable obligations of the United States Government;
      2. Negotiable obligations of any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government;
      3. Negotiable obligations of the State of Illinois which are rated within the 3 highest classifications established by Moodys or Standard and Poors;
      4. Negotiable obligations of the College which are rated A or better by Moodys or Standard and Poors.
      5. Letters of credit issued by a Federal Home Loan Bank
      6. A bond, executed by a company authorized to transact the kinds of business described in clause (g) of Section 4 of the Illinois Insurance Code, payable to SVCC
      7. Maturity of acceptable collateral shall not exceed 120 months.
    2. The ratio of fair market value of collateral to the amount of funds secured shall be reviewed weekly and additional collateral will be requested if the ratio declines below the level required.
    3. Safekeeping of Collateral. Third party safekeeping is required for all collateral. To accomplish this, the securities will be held at a safekeeping depository as approved from time to time by the Treasurer. Safekeeping will be documented by an approved written agreement. Substitution, exchange or release of securities held in safekeeping may be done upon two (2) days prior written notice to the Treasurer. When collateral is extended, the Treasurer should receive a copy of the financial institution's board minutes, indicating the board of director's approval.
  11. SAFEKEEPING OF SECURITIES - Unless held physically by the Treasurer, all securities shall be kept in appropriate third party safekeeping. The Treasurer will have the sole responsibility for selecting safekeeping agents. Safekeeping will be documented by an approved written agreement.
  12. INDEMNIFICATION - Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the possible income to be derived. In maintaining its investment portfolio, the Treasurer shall avoid any transaction that might impair public confidence in the College. The above standards are established as standards for professional responsibility and shall be applied in the context of managing the portfolio. The Treasurer and employees of the Treasurer acting in accordance with this Investment Policy and procedures as have been or may be established and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal liability for an individual security's credit risk or market changes.
  13. SECURITY CONTROLS - Only the Treasurer, or in the absence of the Treasurer, the President, is authorized to establish financial accounts for the College. At all times either the Treasurer, singly, or the President, singly, is authorized to sign on financial accounts of the office of the Treasurer. Authorized signatories are NOT permitted to reconcile bank accounts at any time.
  14. THE CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT - The Illinois Compiled Statutes govern ethics.
  15. BONDING - The Treasurer and all employees shall be bonded for the benefit of the College for an amount determined to be reasonable. The surety shall be a corporate surety company.
  16. CAPTIONS AND HEADING - The captions and headings used herein are for convenience of reference only and do not define or limit the contents.

Revised: 03-23-1987, 05-24-1993, 04-28-1997, 11-22-1999, 02-27-2006, 11-22-2010, 04-27-2020

400 - Personnel Policies

401.01 Personnel Classifications and Definitions


  1. Definitions
    1. Contractual Employee
      1. Contractual employees are hired by the Board of Trustees for a specific period of time to carry out the objectives of the special projects funded in whole or in part by an external agency for a specific and restricted purpose without obligation on the part of the college or expectations that the College will continue the employment beyond the terms of the contract.  These employees will not have academic rank but shall be entitled to salaries and benefits as specified by the Board of Trustees in a salary plan developed for use in their special circumstance.  Contractual employees may include personnel in any classification: administrative, professional/technical, faculty, support, or any other classifications used at the College.  
      2. Continued employment shall be subject to a positive annual evaluation and the continued funding of the position in the project or program for which the employee was hired.  Contractual employees shall not be eligible for tenure.
      3. If the Board and/or the external agency shall determine that it is necessary to discontinue a project or program, written notice of termination of employment shall be given to all affected employees.  Such termination shall be effective at the close of the project or program as determined by the Board of Trustees and/or the external agency.
    2. Full-time Employees 
      1. Forty-Hour Week: Employees who work a 40-hour week as in the case of support and professional/technical staff or full load as defined by a given administrative or instructional position are classified as full-time employees.
      2. Thirty-Hour Week: With supervisor and President's Cabinet approval, an employee may work a 30-hour per week schedule with benefits including health insurance (pro-rated), sick leave (pro-rated), vacation time, tuition free enrollment, tuition reimbursement, and holiday pay.
    3. Part-time Employees: Persons working less than a full workload as outlined in a written work agreement are considered part-time.  Faculty who teach fewer than twelve (12) credit hours per academic semester shall be considered part-time for the purposes of 401.01 (2) (c).
    4. Permanent Employee: A permanent employee is a full-time or part-time employee who works on a continuing basis through the academic or calendar year.
    5. Temporary (short-term) Employee: An employee appointed for a short period of time and may be terminated at any time.  Temporary appointments are for periods of less than one year.
    6. Term Employee: A term employee is appointed for a specific period of time, normally for one year.  Such appointments automatically expire at the end of the agreed term.
    7. Tenured Employee
      1. A tenured employee is one who has been granted tenure.  Tenure applies to all full-time faculty members employed by the institution when qualified as provided by the tenure provision of the Illinois Public Community College Act (Article IIIB) and is not related to a specific position.
      2. However, any instructional faculty member having the status of tenure whose position is changed must be classified and paid for his or her new position at not less than the highest level of classification commensurate with his/her academic credentials and experience.
  2. For purposes of the Illinois Collective Bargaining Act, the following definitions shall apply:
    1. Confidential Employee: Any employee who, (i) in the regular course of his or her duties assists and acts in a confidential capacity to persons who formulate, determine, and effectuate management policies with regard to labor relations or who, (ii) in the regular course of his or her duties has access to information relating to the effectuation or review of the employer's collective bargaining policies.
    2. Managerial Employee: An individual who is engaged predominantly in executive and management functions and is charged with the responsibility of directing and effectuation of such management policies and practices.
    3. Part-Time Employee: Part-time academic employees shall be defined as those employees who provide fewer than twelve (12) credit hours of instruction per academic semester.
    4. Professional Employee: An employee engaged in work (i) predominantly intellectual and varied in character as opposed to routine, mental, manual, mechanical, or physical; (ii) involving consistent exercise of discretion and judgment in its performance; (iii) of such a character that the output produced or the result accomplished, cannot be standardized in relation to a given period of time; and (iv) requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction and study.
    5. Temporary (short-term) Employee: An employee appointed for a short period of time and who may be terminated at any time.  Temporary appointments are for periods of less than one year.
  3. Classifications: The College staff is made up of the following personnel classifications or categories:
    1. Administrative Personnel: Administrators are twelve-month full-time professional staff members whose primary duties are managerial and supervisory in nature.  Administrators are managerial and confidential employees pursuant to Section 401.01 (2) (a) (b).  Duties are those described, inter alia, in policy 203.01.
    2. Support Staff: Support staff include all clerical and maintenance personnel.  Such persons may be confidential employees, depending upon the responsibility of the position.
    3. Instructional Faculty: Instructional faculty are all staff members whose primary duties are instructional and instructional support.  Such persons are professional employees as defined in 401.01 (2) (d).
    4. Professional/Technical Staff: Professional/technical staff are those who work under the supervision of a professional staff member or an administrator.  Such persons may be confidential employees, depending upon the responsibility of the position.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983, 03-23-1987, 11-28-1994, 08-26-2019

402.01 Academic Freedom

Sauk Valley Community College maintains and encourages an atmosphere of freedom in teaching commensurate with the responsibility that each instructor must assume.  The College believes creative scholarship can thrive only in an atmosphere where there is freedom for examination of ideas.  Such freedom includes the right to investigate problems and to evaluate and question accepted theories and carries with it the responsibility to offer alternative solutions in an unbiased manner and to develop in students the habit of independent investigation.  The protection of the prerogative of academic freedom requires a conscientious, responsible staff.  Professional staff members should uphold the dignity of the College in all their activities; set an example of integrity, tolerance, and decency for their students; and maintain high standards of scholarship and personal conduct.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 03-23-1987

403.01 Affirmative Action

Sauk Valley Community College shall utilize Affirmative Action as required by law.  The College has adopted an Affirmative Action Plan.  Copies of this document are available in the Learning Resource Center, the office of the Dean of Student Services, and in the office of Human Resources.  This plan contains a grievance procedure that any employee, employment applicant, student, or student applicant may obtain by contacting the Chief Human Resources Officer.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 08-26-1991, 08-23-1993, 01-26-1998, 09-27-2007

403.02 Non-Discrimination in Employment and Student Relations

Sauk Valley Community College is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to an effective policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all employee and student relations.  Except to the extent and subject to the exemptions permitted by law, no qualified employee or student shall be excluded from employment or educational opportunity, be denied benefits, or be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation (as that term is defined in the Illinois Human Rights Act), marital status, handicap, military status, or unfavorable discharge from military service classified as Re-3 or the equivalent thereof.  Violations of this policy on the basis of sex is also governed by the Sexual Misconduct Procedures.

Revised: 01-26-1998, 04-25-2005

404.01 Appointment of College Staff

  1. Administrative staff and full-time instructional faculty shall be recommended by the President subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
  2. Support and professional/technical staff shall be interviewed and recommended for appointment by their appropriate supervisors.  Salary recommendations shall be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer, and all support and professional/technical staff appointments shall be subject to the approval of the President.
  3. All appointments shall be within prescribed budgetary provisions and in accordance with classifications, wage rates, and schedules.  Exceptions to the above shall require specific Board action.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983, 11-28-1994, 06-28-2004, 09-27-2007, 01-24-2011

405.01 Appointment and Non-Appointment of Instructional Personnel

  1. The initial appointment of instructional personnel shall normally be for no longer than one year.  Such appointments must be reviewed annually.
  2. Eligibility for tenure for instructional faculty is based upon completion of three years of fulltime professional service and satisfactory performance evaluations at Sauk Valley Community College.
  3. An instructional faculty not on tenure who is not to be re-employed at the end of his or her contract shall be given written notice no later than March 1 of the contract year.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983, 03-23-1987, 10-22-2007, 01-24-2011

405.02 Oral English Proficiency Policy

The Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees recognizes that the ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill necessary for faculty. Therefore, all final candidates for teaching positions will have effective English proficiency.  The College will favorably consider reasonable requests for Faculty Development fund resources to pay for such special assistance as may be necessary to improve the spoken English competency to an acceptable proficiency.

Revised: 06-22-1987, 06-28-2004, 01-24-2011

406.01 Tenure Definition

Tenure means that status as defined by the Illinois School Code pertaining to community college faculty.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 01-24-2011

407.01 Approval Procedure for Tenure for Instructional Faculty

Tenure will be granted upon recommendation of the President of the College with specific Board approval required in each individual case.  A maximum of one additional probationary year may be approved by the President upon recommendation of the Chief Academic Officer.  In such cases, the President shall notify the Board and the individual concerned in writing of the specific reasons for the additional year of probation as well as the requirements to be fulfilled during that year.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-26-2007

407.02 Professor Emeritus Rank

The designation of Professor Emeritus rank may be provided to retirees of Sauk Valley Community College as an honorary title if they have served as a full-time employee of the College and have or will retire under the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). The Professor Emeritus title recognizes the value Sauk Valley Community College places on the experience, knowledge, and meritorious contributions of its retiring/retired employee. Professor Emeritus rank encourages retiring/retired employees to remain a part of the College, maintain their professional identity, and continue to be productive members of the educational community while enhancing the college mission.

An individual must meet the following criteria to be eligible for Professor Emeritus rank:

Nomination and Appointment Process

Termination of Professor Emeritus Status: Sauk Valley Community College reserves the right to remove the title of Professor Emeritus if the former employee is associated with any legal impropriety or other act that brings dishonor to the College.

Privileges of Professor Emeritus Rank

The following privileges will be granted to recipients of the Professor Emeritus rank:

Revised: 04-22-2019

408.01 Performance and Compensation of Administrative Personnel

  1. Each member of the administrative staff shall have a job description that is reviewed and, if necessary, updated each year.
  2. Each administrator shall be evaluated each year by his or her immediate supervisor and/or the President.  Such evaluation shall include, but shall not be limited to, job performance as related to the job description and the accomplishment of mutually agreed upon performance objectives and the overall objectives of the College.
  3. Annual salary recommendations for each administrator shall be made by the President to the Board and shall be based upon the annual evaluation.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983

409.01 Administrative Employment Contracts, Contract Continuation, and Contract Termination

  1. Basic Term of Employment and Termination: Administrators shall be employed for a one-year term.  The contract of employment may be renewed by Board of Trustees action on or before April 1 of the year in which the contract expires.  Absent action by the Board to renew the contract of employment, the administrator's employment shall terminate at the end of the term.  No action by the Board shall be necessary to affect termination at the end of the term of the contract.
  2. Contract Continuation
    1. After three years of full-time employment by the College on successive one-year contracts, an administrator shall be eligible for a rolling two-year contract, meaning that the employee shall be eligible to have a two-year term of employment, which is renewable annually.
    2. If a rolling two-year contract is granted by the Board, annual renewal shall be in the Board's discretion upon recommendation by the President.  Renewal shall be by April 1 each year.
    3. In the event of non-renewal of the rolling contract by April 1 of the school year preceding the final year of the contract, the contract of employment of the administrator shall automatically terminate at the end of the then current two-year term.  No further action by the Board shall be necessary to effect the termination.
  3. Contract Termination During Term: Anything in the foregoing notwithstanding, the employment of any administrator may be terminated prior to the end of the term of the contract under which the individual is employed, under the following circumstances:
    1. Dismissal for cause as defined in Board Policy 415.01
    2. Economic or program retrenchment.
  4. Expectation of Employment: No administrator to whom this policy is applicable shall have any expectation of employment beyond the term of the current contract, in the absence of specific formal action by the Board of Trustees in open session, granting an additional term of employment.
  5. Applicability: This policy shall apply to all administrators except for the President.  The President shall have a separate contract with the College.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-19-1983, 08-27-1993, 09-24-1993, 12-17-2007, 02-28-2011

411.01 Group Contracts

The Board of Trustees has legal authority to recognize groups of employees for the purpose of negotiating working agreements, although nothing contained in such agreements shall act to prevent the Board from executing the legal responsibilities imposed upon it by law.

Revised: 02-12-1979

412.01 Responsibilities of the Instructional Faculty

The responsibilities of the instructional faculty shall be defined in the Faculty Job Description and approved by the Board of Trustees.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 02-25-2008

413.01 Attendance

Each instructional staff member is required to keep an accurate grade and attendance record for each student enrolled in his or her classes and to provide this information upon request to appropriate College officials.  These information requests will occur at regular intervals during the semester and at the close of the semester.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987

414.01 Personnel Disciplinary Policy

An effective educational program requires the services of men and women of high ideals, human understanding, and integrity.  All employees of Sauk Valley Community College are expected to know and shall be responsible for observing all provisions of the law, the code of ethics of the education profession, and all College policies and regulations.  A violation of any said items shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal, for unprofessional conduct, inadequate performance of duties, and/or violation of official College policies.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987

415.01 Dismissal for Cause for Administrators and Instructional Faculty

Any one of the following shall be considered adequate cause for suspension and possible termination of administrators and instructional faculty:

  1. Inadequate performance of duties;
  2. Willful and continuous neglect of duties;
  3. Unprofessional conduct;
  4. Violation of official college policies;
  5. Moral turpitude;
  6. Unjustifiable insubordination; and/or
  7. Physical or mental incapacity.

Revised: 02-12-1979

416.01 Other Reasons for Termination

Budget or Program Retrenchment:  The services of any member of the faculty and administration may be terminated in the event of the need for financial or program retrenchment.  Notification of termination shall be given as soon as the need for retrenchment is apparent.  Such termination shall be made at the close of the contract year.  Positions that have been vacated on such grounds shall not be filled within two years.  Members of the division in which the program retrenchment is being considered shall be consulted in a division retrenchment.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 06-23-2003

417.01 Responsibilities of Support and Professional/Technical Staff

The responsibilities of support and professional/technical staff shall be defined by their respective supervisors within the scope of the rules and regulations governing their responsibilities and in a manner consistent with Affirmative Action guidelines and their official job description with the approval of the President.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 08-17-1984, 11-28-1994, 04-28-2008

418.01 Termination of Support and Professional/Technical Staff

A member of the support and professional/technical staff may be terminated immediately with cause or upon advance notice of two weeks without cause, with entitlement to unused vacation leave at his or her current rate of compensation.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 11-28-1994

419.01 Fringe Benefits

  1. Group Health Plan Coverage and Life Insurance - Details of hospitalization/major medical and life insurance for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. The College will make available group health plan coverage and life insurance coverage for all fulltime employees and their eligible dependents. Coverage is at the discretion of the Board. The Board will determine the cost paid by the College. The employee will pay the balance of the cost, through employee premiums deducted, pro-rata, from the employee's pay unless otherwise authorized by the employee. In the event of termination of employment, any balance due will be deducted from the final pay of the employee.

  2. Section 125 - Details of Section 125 for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. The Board will establish a Section 125 plan in accordance with the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code through salary reduction that allows full-time staff to elect to designate a portion of his or her salary for the payment of any allowable expenses not paid by the Board.

  3. Tuition Free Enrollment - Details of tuition free enrollment for all faculty members may be found in the appropriate Faculty Contract. The College offers tuition free enrollment at Sauk Valley Community College for all full-time employees, spouses, and their children under 23 years of age. Permanent part-time professional-technical and support employees, spouses, and their children will be eligible for tuition waivers on a pro-rated basis (75% for staff working 20 hours or more per week, 50% for staff working 10 to 19 hours per week). If an employee dies while working for the College, the tuition waiver will remain in effect for his/her surviving dependents under 23 years of age. Activity fees, lab fees, and books are paid by the student. Courses contracted with a third-party vendor are excluded.

  4. Non-credit Course Fees - All employees are eligible to enroll into non-credit professional development courses for free once the course meets the minimum course enrollment that is set by the Program Director.  All employee spouses are eligible to enroll into non-credit professional development courses at half the cost once the course meets the minimum course enrollment that is set by the Program Director. Professional development courses contracted with a third-party vendor are excluded. All employees, spouses, and children 18 and under are eligible to enroll into non-credit personal enrichment courses at half the cost once the course meets the minimum course enrollment that is set by the Program Director. Personal enrichment experiences and trips contracted with a third party vendor are excluded.

  5. Academic Robe Expenses -the College will pay regular expenses for academic robes and regalia required for any Sauk Valley function.

  6. Tuition Reimbursement - Details of tuition reimbursement for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. The Board will pay tuition and mandatory fees at the rate of not more than $175 per credit hour up to a maximum of $2,100 per year for those courses taken by full-time administrative, professional-technical, and support staff, providing the courses are related to his or her work at the College. All courses must be approved in advance by the President and reimbursement will be limited to 12 credit hours per fiscal year. Any exceptions are to be made by the President. Reimbursement will be made upon receipt of the transcript for courses earning a grade of “C” or higher for graduate or undergraduate credit.

  7. Retirement program - SURS provides retirement, disability, death, and survivors benefits to all eligible participants. Generally, SURS covers all employees, including part-time employees who work for the College for at least one continuous academic term. Details concerning retirement allowances, disability benefits, reciprocity and refund allowances are contained in the SURS handbook issued to every member at the beginning of his/her employment.

  8. Vacations - Details of annual vacation for the 12-month counselors and librarians may be found in the Faculty Contract. Administrators earn vacation at the rate of .923 days per pay bi-weekly period (24 days annually). Staff earn annual vacation at the following rates per bi-weekly pay period. Bi-weekly is defined as every other week and the rates are effective on the first day of a pay period.


    Year of employment


    First and second years of employment

    .538 days (14 days annually)

    Third and fourth years of employment

    .577 days (15 days annually)

    Fifth and sixth years of employment

    .654 days (17 days annually)

    Seventh and eighth years of employment

    .692 days (18 days annually)

    Ninth and tenth years of employment

    .731 days (19 days annually)

    Eleventh and twelfth years of employment

    .769 days (20 days annually)

    Thirteenth and fourteenth years of employment

    .808 days (21 days annually)

    Fifteenth and all subsequent years of employment

    .846 days (22 days annually)

    The employee's supervisor will approve the scheduling of all vacations. At the end of the last full pay period worked in the fiscal year, any vacation time over one and one-half times the annual allocation will be lost. Unless excepted by the President, all employees will take vacation or personal days when the College is scheduled to be closed in December and in the first week of January, as shown by the College calendar. It is intended that no vacation will be used before being earned. However, should any employee seek to take vacation in advance, it may be allowed only with the prior written approval of a supervisor. In the event of termination of employment, any vacation time owed to the College will be deducted from the final salary payment at the pay rate in effect at the time of separation.

  9. Sick Leave - Details of sick leave for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. Administration and staff who work a forty-hour per week schedule will accrue sick leave at the rate of  2.7692 hours per pay period (bi-weekly). Thirty-hour per week employees accrue at a rate of  2.0769 hours per pay period (bi-weekly). Employees working less than full-time will not be authorized sick time. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit. It is intended that no sick time will be used before being earned, however, in extraordinary circumstances, sick leave may be advanced on the prior written request of the employee's supervisor. In the event of termination of employment, any sick leave owed to the College will be deducted from the final salary payment at the pay rate in effect at the time of separation. An employee will not be paid for unused sick leave when retirement, termination or resignation from the College occurs. An employee who must be absent from duty because of illness will notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. Every day of absence will be indicated on the employee's time sheet. Any absence for reasons which qualify under the Family and Medical Leave Act must be counted toward leave allowed under that policy. Employees are eligible to use sick leave for absences due to illness, injury, death, or medical appointment for the employee, employee's child, spouse, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent. Conditions relating to pregnancy will be treated as any other serious health condition. As a condition to such sick leave, the staff member may be required to furnish a written statement from the member's physician describing the condition of the ill-being and physical reasons for the staff member's inability to work. In the event of sick leave taken because of a sickness of a member of the employee's immediate family, as a condition to sick leave, the staff member may be required to furnish a statement from the treating physician describing the condition of the ill-being and physical reasons for the necessity for the staff member to be with the family member.

  10. Personal Leave - Details of personal leave for all full-time faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. Full-time college administrators and staff are eligible for up to five paid personal leave days per fiscal year, front loaded at the beginning of each fiscal year, specifically for the purpose of completing personal business and complying with the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Newly-hired employees will have a 90-day waiting period before using personal days. Employees hired during the fiscal year will receive a pro-rata number of hours upon hire. Under the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act, short-term employees in higher education are excluded from the mandate. Short-term employees are defined as being employed for less than two consecutive calendar quarters; and have no reasonable expectation that they will be rehired by the same employer for the same service in a subsequent year. Employees may use the time for any reason of their choosing in increments of at least two hours. Where foreseeable, employees should provide at least seven days of notice. Otherwise, the leave request should be made as soon as possible. Personal leave hours must be used by the end of each fiscal year. Any unused personal leave hours at the end of each fiscal year are not carried over. Unused hours are not paid out at the time of termination, resignation, or retirement.  If an employee is rehired within twelve months, they will be reinstated with any previously unused personal time.

  11. All part-time employees will receive paid time off in accordance with the Paid Leave for All Workers Act beginning January 1, 2024. Hourly part-time employees (including police academy, traffic school, and non-credit instructors but not including short-term employees, student workers, and work studies) will accrue .025 for every hour worked each pay period. Paid time off is not paid out upon termination, resignation, or retirement. Eligible employees are eligible to earn and use up to 40 hours of paid leave during a twelve-month period or a pro-rata number of hours of paid leave. Employees may use the time for any reason of their choosing in increments of at least two hours. Where foreseeable, employees should provide at least seven days of notice. Otherwise, the leave request should be made as soon as possible.

  12. Family and Medical Leave of Absence Policy and Child Bereavement Leave Act - It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of Sauk Valley Community College to fully comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, in its original form and as amended by law, and the Child Bereavement Act. If an employee elects to maintain health insurance coverage after an unpaid FMLA, they must elect COBRA after one month of leave without pay.

  13. Discretionary Leave of Absence without Pay - Details of leave of absence for all fulltime faculty members may be found in the Faculty Contract. The College may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee if the leave would serve the best interest of the College and the employee. This section is applicable only after any leave available and applicable under the Family and Medical Leave Act is exhausted. No leave of absence without pay will be granted to any employee who has accrued paid vacation time or who is eligible to be paid sick or personal time. An employee seeking a leave of absence without pay will request leave by giving written notice to the College at least 30 days in advance of the proposed start date of the leave of absence. Leave of absence without pay must be approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. Leave of absence without pay for more than one calendar month in any fiscal year must be approved in advance by the President. An employee on a leave of absence without pay must elect COBRA to maintain health insurance coverage after one month of unpaid leave. Employees on a leave of absence without pay under this section will not accrue sick/personal leave or vacation, and will not be eligible for any other benefits, which existed or accrued when working. An employee concurrently on SURS disability leave and on a leave of absence without pay will have his or her leave of absence without pay terminated after six months. Grant of leave of absence without pay under this section does not guarantee the employee will return to the same or a similar job at the end of the leave. The College may deny reinstatement if the employee would not otherwise have been employed at the time reinstatement is requested. Failure to return to work at the end of an approved leave of absence will be considered a resignation.

  14. Retirement Benefit Programs - The College believes that it is in the best interest o its employees to use Retirement Benefit Programs. The College will reasonably facilitate employee participation in Section 403(b) and 457(b) programs, and will make salary reductions on behalf of qualified employees when employees comply with this policy. The College will provide for salary reductions and contribute to a designated Benefit program; however, the employee will complete appropriate forms as required and use only those service providers who have entered into an agreement with the College.

  15. Holiday Pay Policy - Full-time employees eligible for holiday pay receive pay at his or her straight time hourly rate for the scheduled work hours on that day. Permanent part-time professional-technical and support staff who work 20 hours or more per week shall receive pro-rated holiday pay of four (4) hours at their regular straight time rate for six major holidays. The six major holidays that apply are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If one of the six major holidays should fall on a weekend, then this is not covered as a paid holiday.

  16. Bereavement Leave—Full-Time/Part-Time Active Employees
    1. Full-time Active Employees:
      1. The College will grant one day paid leave for bereavement of extended family: aunt, uncle, cousin, niece or nephew. Three days paid leave for family including brother or sister-in-law, son or daughter-in-law, mother or father-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law or grandchild. Five days paid leave for immediate family: spouse or Civil Union partner, child (biological, adopted, foster, step, legal ward, or a child for whom the employee stood in loco parentis), parent, sibling, step-sibling, stepparent. Bereavement leave days cannot be accrued and must be taken within 30 calendar days from the first bereavement day taken to the last bereavement day taken.
      2. Under the Illinois Family Bereavement Leave Act, after 1,250 hours of service with an employer during the prior 12-month period an employee is eligible for two weeks (10 working days) of unpaid leave following the death of a child, stepchild, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, parent or step-parent, mother-in-law or father-in-law, grandchild or grandparent.
      3. Unpaid leave time may be used to:
        1. Attend the funeral or alternative to a funeral of a covered family member;
        2. Make arrangements necessitated by the death of the covered family member;
        3. Grieve the death of the covered family member; or
        4. Be absent from work due to:
          1. a miscarriage,
          2. an unsuccessful round of intrauterine insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure, or
          3. a failed adoption match or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested by another party;
            1. a failed surrogacy agreement;
            2. a diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy or fertility; or
            3. a stillbirth.
      4. Employees will be paid as noted above and the remaining days will be unpaid. Employees meeting the eligibility requirements of the Illinois Family Bereavement Leave Act, may elect to substitute other paid leave they have accrued, such as sick, vacation or personal days, for any unpaid portion of the leave. Leave under the Illinois Family Bereavement Act must be completed within 60 days after the date an employee receives notice of the death of the child. Employees may be entitled to up to 6 weeks of bereavement time in the event of the death of more than one child during a twelve-month period. This Act does not create a right for an employee to take unpaid leave that exceeds the unpaid leave time allowed under, or in addition to the unpaid leave time permitted by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
      5. The employee's immediate supervisor authorizes the use of bereavement leave. If additional time is needed beyond what is indicated above, vacation, sick or unpaid personal leave may be taken with supervisory approval in consult with Human Resources. The supervisor should consult with Human Resources in special circumstances.
    2. Part-time Active Employees:
      1. Under the Illinois Family Bereavement Leave Act, after 1,250 hours of service with an employer during the prior 12-month period, an employee is eligible for two weeks (10 working days) of unpaid leave following the death of a child. Child is defined as a biological, foster, adopted or step child, a legal ward or a child for whom the employee stood in loco parentis. Bereavement leave days cannot be accrued. Employees meeting the eligibility requirements of the Illinois Family Bereavement Leave Act may elect to substitute leave they have accrued such as sick, vacation or personal days for any portion of the leave. Leave under the Illinois Family Bereavement Act must be completed within 60 days after the date an employee receives notice of the death of the child. Employees may be entitled to up to 6 weeks of bereavement time in the event of the death of more than one child during a twelve-month period. This Act does not create a right for an employee to take unpaid leave that exceeds the unpaid leave time allowed under, or in addition to the unpaid leave time permitted by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
      2. The employee's immediate supervisor authorizes the use of bereavement leave. If additional time is needed beyond what is indicated above, vacation, sick or unpaid leave may be taken with supervisory approval in consultation with Human Resources. The supervisor should consult with Human Resources in special circumstances

Revised: 03-23-1987, 05-21-1990, 02-25-1991, 07-27-1992, 11-23-1992, 10-31-1994, 11-28-1994, 10-27-1997, 03-23-1998, 05-26-1998, 11-23-1998, 10-20-1999, 06-23-2003, 06-28-2004, 04-25-2011, 07-29-2013, 02-15-2014, 11-28-2016, 11-27-2017, 08-26-2019, 11-30-2020, 10-23-2023, 12-18-2023

420.01 Other Leaves

The President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may grant other leaves of absence with full salary, reduced salary, or without salary for the purpose of professional development or acceptance of professional assignments of limited duration with other colleges, governmental agencies, or foreign nations.  Such leaves shall be for appropriate purposes consistent with the needs and interests of the College.  Application for such leaves shall be made in writing to the President and shall state the purpose for which the leave is requested, its anticipated duration, and its value to the College.  The terms and conditions of the leave shall be determined at the time the request for leave is acted upon.

Revised: 02-12-1979

420.02 Jury Duty Leave

The Board shall pay regular salary to a full-time employee called to serve as a juror, and the employee shall retain any reimbursement.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 08-17-1984, 11-28-1994, 08-25-2008

421.01 Outside Employment

Any staff member who accepts outside employment shall notify the appropriate supervisor in writing prior to accepting such employment.  Such employment shall in no way interfere with the College's ability to schedule classes and/or an employee fulfilling his or her duties and responsibilities.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 10-25-2004

422.01 Health Examinations and Communicable Diseases

The College desires to reasonably protect the health and well-being of its employees and its students as per the policies below:

  1. Examination of New Employees: The Board of Trustees may require that new employees provide evidence of fitness to perform duties assigned.  Such evidence may consist of a demonstration of performance of typical job tasks and/or a physical and/or mental examination by a physician, psychologist, or other health care practitioner selected by the Board, licensed in Illinois or in any other state, to practice in their field.  Results of the physical and/or mental examination shall be furnished to the employee and to the College.  The cost of such examination shall be paid by the College.
  2. Examination of Employees Generally: If it appears to the College that an employee has a physical or mental health condition that is adversely affecting an employee's performance or is creating a risk to the health or welfare of other employees or students, the College may require an examination by any physician, health care professional, rehabilitation specialist, or mental health care practitioner selected by the Board, licensed to practice in Illinois or in another state.  The College shall pay all expenses of such examination.  The results of such examination shall be furnished in writing to the employee and to the College.  The Board and/or its representatives shall utilize the following procedure in requiring employees to undergo a physical or mental health examination:
    1. If a situation is present where the possibility of requesting an examination may exist, the supervisor responsible for evaluating the involved employee and Human Resources shall conduct an appropriate investigation of the circumstances.  In the event it is determined a physical or mental examination is to be requested, then he or she shall supply to the employee written notice of the requirement to see a chosen medical or mental health care professional.  The written notice must include a clear, detailed, statement of the specific actions and behaviors that have led to a questioning of the employee's physical or mental fitness, and it must be signed by the supervisor of that employee and Human Resources.
    2. All documents and communications regarding an employee's physical or mental health under this policy will be held in strictest confidence as secured documents in the Human Resources Department accessible only by those authorized by law.
  3. Communicable Diseases: Staff or students having any temporary communicable disease that is determined by a licensed medical practitioner satisfactory to the College to pose no health threat to other employees or to students may remain at the College if they are medically able to continue at a level of performance reasonable for their position.  Staff or students having a temporary communicable disease, as determined by a licensed medical practitioner satisfactory to the College, that does pose a health threat to other employees or to students may remain at the College only with permission of the appropriate supervisor in charge of evaluating them in the case of employees; if the subject is a student, with the permission of the Dean of Student Services or under such conditions as the appropriate Dean of Student Services may impose.
  4. Chronic Communicable Diseases: Employees or students suffering from chronic communicable diseases shall be accommodated to the extent required by the Americans with Disability act and the Illinois Human Rights Act.
  5. Communicable Diseases in the Health Occupations Field: Any employee or student involved in the health occupation field who has a communicable disease of any nature shall comply with the standards and requirements of the clinical site involved in the instruction, consistent with the standards set by the clinical site for its employees.
  6. Confidentiality: The College will provide appropriate confidentiality of information provided to the College regarding an individual's medical or mental condition.
  7. Compliance with Illinois Department of Public Health Regulations: The College shall comply with appropriate directives and the rules and regulations for the control of communicable diseases as promulgated by the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Infectious Diseases.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 06-26-2000, 08-25-2008

423.01 Policy for Substitute Instruction of Regularly Scheduled Classes

The Academic Vice President or designee shall be responsible to provide substitutes or to arrange for make-up classes due to faculty absences as appropriate.

Revised: 03-23-1981, 03-23-1987, 09-25-1989, 06-28-2004, 08-25-2008

424.01 Tutorial Courses Policy

Tutorial classes may be offered with the approval of the Academic Vice President following established guidelines found in the college catalog. Tutorial assignments shall be voluntary on the part of the faculty.

Revised: 01-14-1980, 03-23-1987, 06-28-2004, 08-25-2008

425.01 Early Retirement

The College provides for an early retirement incentive program as follows:

  1. Eligibility: This program shall be open to all full-time College employees (i) who are at least fifty-five (55) years of age but who have not reached sixty (60) years of age on the date of retirement; (ii) who have ten (10) or more years of service at Sauk Valley Community College, and (iii) who have been employed by the College on a full-time basis during each of the two (2) years preceding the date which their early retirement shall commence.
  2. Application Procedures: A written request to participate in the retirement incentive program must be submitted and received by the President of the College no later than May 1 of the year prior to the year of actual retirement.
  3. Provisions: A leave of absence will not be considered as years of service for the purpose of determining eligibility for early retirement.  In the event of death of the early retiree prior to the effective date of retirement, the College shall have no obligation to make any remuneration under this plan.
  4. Incentive
    1. The College will make a payment to the retiree calculated on the retiree's contractual base salary as of the effective date of retirement, based upon the participant's age on the date of retirement.  The contribution percentage shall be calculated under the following provision with a lump sum payment, based upon age and a percentage of retiree's base contractual salary:

      Age   Percentage
      55      45%
      56      40%
      57      35%
      58      30%
      59      25%

      The lump sum payment will, at the retiree's option, be paid either as of the effective date of the retirement or as of January 31 following the actual date of retirement.  

    2. Base contractual salary is further defined for the following:
      1. Instructional Staff: Base contractual salary to be received from the College for the academic year. 
      2. Administration and Support Staff: Computation for early retirement incentive is based upon base contract salary to be received from the College during the fiscal year (12 month) contract or other pro-rated contracts as appropriate.
    3. Base contract salary shall not include summer school pay, overload pay, overtime pay or other non-regular salary or earnings.  An employee may not participate in the College's early retirement plan and also participate in any other state early retirement incentive plan.  If any other state early retirement incentive plan is elected, the College plan shall not be available.  For the purpose of this paragraph, a state early retirement "incentive plan" is defined as any state retirement plan which requires the College to pay more dollar benefits on behalf of an individual employee than is required under the normal SURS early retirement plan without discount, as provided in 40 ILCS 5/15-136.2.
    4. The number of retirees retiring under this policy may be limited by the Board depending upon budgetary conditions but shall not be limited to less than 15% of those eligible per year.  The right to elect early retirement hereunder shall be allocated on the basis of priority of receipt by the College of notice of intent to retire in the event early retirement limitations must be applied.

Revised: 01-23-1984, 03-23-1987, 11-22-1993, 05-27-1997, 07-24-2000

427.01 Sexual Harassment Policy

Applicable Statute: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

  1. The College shall provide its employees and students an educational and employment environment free from unwelcome sexual advances by employees of the College, free from requests for sexual favors by employees of the College and free from other verbal or physical conduct by employees constituting sexual harassment as herein defined and as is otherwise prohibited by state or federal law. 
  2. The College shall develop, make publicly available, and review and update at least annually a set of Sexual Misconduct Procedures in compliance with Title VII and other applicable statues.

Revised: 08-26-1991, 11-22-1993, 11-28-1994, 06-25-1998, 05-22-2000, 09-26-2005, 08-31-2020

428.01 Intellectual Property

  1. Purpose of Policy: Sauk Valley Community College's primary mission lies in the creation and dissemination of knowledge in works of the intellect in whatever medium they may be embodied or expressed.  This public service mission creates an environment that is highly conducive to the conception and development of many forms of intellectual property.  There is always the possibility that these developments may have commercial value, and the College wishes to encourage and support development of inventions, copyrightable materials, and other intellectual property for public use.  The purpose of this policy is to state for College faculty, administrators, other staff, and students (hereinafter "College Community") the nature of the responsibilities, privileges, and options available to the College Community when members of the College Community have created intellectual properties.  Clear allocation of ownership and control of intellectual property rights is necessary to avoid disputes among the College Community over many issues, including teaching uses, copyrights and royalties.  In the event members of the College Community take the initiative in developing intellectual property of any nature, including instructional programs or courses, it is hoped and expected that all such members of the College Community will utilize this policy as a basis to determine ownership and compensation issues which may result from such developments.  It is important to do so since the law concerning rights to the ownership and use of educational works is evolving and many issues are unclear and unresolved.
  2. Statement of Principles: The Board recognizes the value of professional development, which may or may not result in the creation of intellectual properties.  The Board further encourages and supports such development because of its inherent benefits to the College Community.  Pursuit of professional development through development of intellectual properties is valuable to the College, but such pursuit does not diminish the responsibilities or commitment faculty, administrators and other staff members have to the College's regular instructional program.  The development of intellectual properties may, in many cases, involve questions relative to ownership of such intellectual properties between the employee or student who may have developed the property and the College who employed the creator and may have provided support for the development of such intellectual properties.  A process to resolve such ownership issues quickly and equitably will help create a climate of understanding and trust as well as determine the ownership of corresponding payments for usage of the intellectual properties that may result in revenue, commonly referred to as royalties.  The College seeks to resolve such questions by adherence to and application of this policy.
  3. Definition of Intellectual Properties: Intellectual properties may include but are not limited to inventions, software, written/graphic materials, techniques, device-like software, and processes.  For exemplification purposes only, the Board provides the following list of definitions of intellectual properties in which questions about ownership or royalties may exist:
    1. Inventions: Devices, device-like software (or middleware), discoveries, processes, methods, uses, products, or combinations of any of these, whether or not patented or patentable at any time under the Federal Patent Act (Act 35 U.S.C. Sec. 1 et. seq.) as now existing or hereafter amended or supplemented;
    2. Written/Graphic Materials: Instructional, literacy, graphic/visual art, dramatic, and musical materials or works, computer programs, and all other materials, published or unpublished, whether or not copyrighted or copyrightable;
    3. Recorded Materials: Sound, visual, or audio-visual productions, including without limitation slides, films, tapes, videotapes, compact discs, laser discs, or other recordings or transcriptions, published or unpublished, whether or not copyrighted or copyrightable.
  4. General Ownership of Intellectual Properties
    1. Creator's Rights In Title to Intellectual Properties: As between the College and the creator, title to intellectual properties produced by faculty, administrators, employees, or students without any support from the College and produced by the creator on his or her own unpaid time and at his or her own expense, in the absence of other agreements, will normally belong to the creator of those properties.  Intellectual property rights arising in courses approved for College credit may belong to their individual creator but rights shall also vest in the College to the extent that every member of the College Community, including students, faculty, staff and administrators, shall enjoy a permanent non-exclusive royalty-free license to make all traditional, customary or reasonable academic uses of the immediate content of that course.  To that extent, the College shall retain the right to a copy for its own use once such a course has been taught at the College.
    2. Joint or Shared Developed Intellectual Properties: In those instances where intellectual properties are developed by a combination of faculty, administrators', employees' or students' individual efforts and with some College support in the form of stipends, facilities, release time or overload time, the ownership of the materials, processes or inventions developed (including copyrights or patents) will be vested in the creator or the College or both as designated by written agreement between the parties.  Such properties shall normally be held in the name of the College but ownership rights shall be shared as provided in the agreement.  It is incumbent on any creator who wishes to share in intellectual property rights to secure a written agreement and understanding prior to creation of any intellectual property.  In the event no such written agreement is entered into, ownership will be vested solely in the College.
    3. College Rights In Title To Intellectual Properties: As between the College and the creator(s), the College will retain any title to any intellectual properties produced and/or developed by any College employee(s) under the concept of works-for-hire when the College has assigned the development of such intellectual property or properties to the creator(s) as part of the duties of the creator(s), whether or not extra-routine support is provided.  In such event, the creator shall be entitled to retain a copy for the creator's own use.
    4. Intellectual Property Rights In Grant or Contract Work: Intellectual property rights in works developed or supported by grants or contracts shall be governed according to the terms and conditions which may be contained in such grants or contracts; in the event such grants or contracts are silent as to intellectual property rights, such rights arising from grants or contracts shall be governed and determined by policy.
  5. Royalties and Revenue: The creator's rights to revenue from intellectual properties to that the creator retains title and full rights will belong to the creator(s).  The creator(s) will make arrangements independent from the College to collect these revenues directly from the agency providing them, and will be responsible for the tax-related issues associated with them.  The creator(s) will also assume all copyright and/or patent costs and will indemnify the College against all infringement claims which may arise as a result of the creator's development and uses of the intellectual properties.  The creator's rights to a reasonable share of revenue from intellectual properties to which the College retains title in whole or in part will be negotiated as part of the agreement in accordance with this policy relating to intellectual properties.  The College's costs will be recovered as part of the College's share of revenue, unless negotiated otherwise.
  6. College Revenue Collection and Distribution: In order to minimize bookkeeping questions or accounting problems or both, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will be the collection agent for the creator(s) and the College of all income for all intellectual properties to which the College retains sole or shared title.  Promptly following receipt of revenue, the CFO, or his or her designee, will disburse it according to the revenue shares provided in this Policy or pursuant to the negotiated agreement under provisions of this Policy.  Each of the parties shall be responsible for any payment of income or other taxes of every nature imposed upon or related to the respective portions of shared income received by the College or creator(s).  The creator(s) shall not be entitled in any event to any part of tuition or student fees paid to the College for enrolling in courses and all such revenues will belong solely to the College.  The creator(s) shall have the rights of full disclosure of all aspects of accounting relating to revenue from a shared property, including, but not limited to, requesting an independent audit of the records of revenue and distribution.
  7. Procedures for Intellectual Property Agreement
    1. Negotiating the Agreement: Prior to the time intellectual properties are developed and before College support is awarded or used for the purpose of developing, producing or marketing intellectual property, the Chief Academic Officer (CAO), or his or her designee, will meet with the creator(s) to negotiate the terms of the development of any intellectual properties which are intended to result, as well as the production, marketing, and the reasonable division of revenue which may result from the sale of intellectual properties.  The creator(s) shall be entitled to representation during this negotiation process, e.g. an attorney or a representative of the Sauk Valley Community College Faculty Association.
    2. Division of Revenue: The CAO, or his or her designee, and the creator(s) will consider the following conditions in arriving at a reasonable division of revenue:
      1. The origins of the ideas upon which the intellectual properties are based;
      2. The expertise and investment of resources, e.g. time and money and/or equipment, involved in conceptualization and development of the intellectual properties;
      3. The extent to which the College has or will support the development and production of the intellectual properties, particularly concerning released time;
      4. Costs that may be incurred in the production, marketing, and sale of intellectual property.  The parties will pay particular attention to avoid negotiating agreements in which the cost of processing and administering the agreements to the College and the creator(s) may be disproportionate to the proceeds obtained.  Furthermore, the parties must include in the agreement specific information about the costs that will be incurred by the College and which must be repaid out of the College's share of revenue, the ways the cost of the copyright/ patent/licensing of the intellectual property will be shared by the parties involved, and specific terms under which revenue will be distributed between/among the parties.  The parties shall also address the issues of responsibility for infringements upon intellectual property rights of others.  The CAO, or his or her designee, and creator(s) may consult with experts as they deem necessary in arriving at an agreement.  Each party shall be solely responsible for payment of any experts each party selects unless the parties agree otherwise.  To maintain consistency in negotiations, the agreements that are negotiated should be available for public information and inspection.
    3. Binding Resolution of Disputes: Unless otherwise mutually agreed, negotiations should be concluded within sixty (60) calendar days after the initial meeting.  In the event a satisfactory conclusion cannot be reached, the matters at issue will be submitted to a Resolution Committee, composed of three members: one member selected by the President of Sauk Valley Community College, one selected by the creator (which may include the President of the Sauk Valley Community College Faculty Association), and one selected by mutual agreement between the President of Sauk Valley Community College and the creator.  In the event the resolution Committee cannot reach an agreement by consensus, the representative of the President of the College will make one final last best offer, the member appointed by the creator will make one final last best offer, and the third member will make a final binding selection of one of the two offers.  The decision shall be final and shall not be subject to review by any other person or body, including but not limited to any grievance process.
  8. Covered Parties and the Element of Time: All intellectual properties developed subsequent to this agreement shall be subject to the terms of this policy.  Any intellectual properties developed prior to this agreement are exempt therefrom.

Revised: 11-27-2000, 06-28-2004

428.02 Pre-employment Investigations and Pre-employment and Employee Testing

To help protect the security and safety of the College's students and staff and to comply with any relevant state or federal requirements, appropriate background checks and testing shall be conducted for potential employees of the College, employees of the College who undertake certain specific responsibility, and persons who regularly serve as compensated or uncompensated volunteers of the College.  The background checks and testing may include criminal background checks, fingerprinting and submission of fingerprints to appropriate law enforcement agencies, and drug testing.

  1. Criminal Background Checks
    1. Application for Employment all applicants for full-time or part-time employment at Sauk Valley Community College shall execute appropriate authorizations for criminal background investigations at the time of interview.  No prospective employee whose criminal background investigation discloses a conviction for any crime involving moral turpitude, a felony, or which in any way relates to the responsibilities of the employees of the College, shall be employed by the College (exemptions require Board approval).
    2. Volunteers: All persons who regularly serve as either paid or unpaid volunteers of the College shall be subject to criminal background checks and shall consent to appropriate criminal background checks before being permitted to undertake any responsibilities as a volunteer.
    3. The Chief Human Resources Officer shall maintain appropriate procedures for the conduct of criminal background investigations for applicants for employment or volunteers, and the results of the outcome of such investigation shall be used in making relevant decisions regarding employment or services of a volunteer.
  2. Fingerprinting:  All applicants for positions as an employee and all regular volunteers in either dual credit situations or those working with vulnerable populations shall consent to be and shall be fingerprinted, and the fingerprints shall be sent to the appropriate law enforcement agency.  The Chief Human Resources Officer shall maintain appropriate procedures for obtaining and forwarding fingerprints, and identification of positions subject to this requirement.
  3. Drug Testing
    1. Applicants for Campus Security Employment: All applicants for positions in Campus Security shall submit to drug testing as a condition to employment.  All Campus Security employees shall execute an appropriate consent to random drug tests which may be required anytime the employee is on duty.
    2. Drug testing shall be conducted on all applicants for employment for positions in which the applicant shall have a responsibility to transport College students or staff to any College sponsored or related event by operating a motor vehicle.  Any employee or volunteer whose regular responsibilities include operating a motor vehicle to transport College students or College staff to College sponsored or College related activities shall execute appropriate consent to submit to random drug tests at any time they are on duty.
    3. The Chief Human Resources Officer shall maintain appropriate procedures to secure consents to drug tests as required, and for appropriate collection and delivery of samples to appropriate testing facilities.

Revised: 07-27-2009

429.01 Acceptable Use Policy

The College administration shall develop guidelines, regulations, and procedures to control and monitor appropriate usage of college technology resources.

Revised: 11-27-2006

430.01 Information Security

  1. Applicable Statutes
    1. 12 USB 1681 (Fair Credit Reporting Act)
    2. 12 USC 1811 (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
    3. 20 USC 1232g, 34 CFR 99 (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act)
    4. 15 USC 1601 (Federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act)
    5. 720 ILCS 5/26-4
  2. Information Security Program
    1. The College will develop, implement, and maintain an Information Security Program as an administrative procedure to reduce the risk of data loss and identity theft to the College, its students, and its employees. The College will name a Compliance Officer for the Program, who shall have the duty to oversee the Program. The President shall review the Program with the Board upon its initial implementation and thereafter, shall review the Program with the Board not less frequently than annually. Violation of the Program may be grounds for discipline.
  3. Security Cameras
    1. Installation of security cameras on the SVCC campus is for the safety and welfare of employees, students, and patrons. Videos or recordings generated from the cameras will be used as a surveillance tool to deter criminal activity and to protect the campus.
    2. The exact location, number, and function of all cameras will generally be considered confidential for security purposes and not be released to the general public, guests, or employees. No audio shall be recorded, and camera positions shall not violate the standard of a reasonable expectation of privacy. 
    3. This statement does not in any way imply or guarantee that video surveillance devices will be indefinitely operational or actively monitored at any time. The presence of physical video surveillance does not in any way imply that activity is recorded or monitored. 
    4. All recording or monitoring of activities of individuals or groups by college security cameras will be conducted in a manner consistent with College policies, state and federal laws, and investigative agency policies, and it will not be based on the subjects' personal characteristics, including age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics. All personnel with access to college security cameras shall be trained in the effective, legal, and ethical use of monitoring equipment.
    5. Video surveillance equipment will not be used to evaluate the performance of employees. Surveillance equipment will not be utilized to observe employee performance or otherwise be accessed as documentation in the employee evaluation process.

Revised: 07-27-2009, 09-28-2020

431.01 90-Day Introductory Period

  1. Upon initial commencement of employment or a change in position, all professional-technical staff, and support staff shall enter a 90-day introductory period of employment with the college.  The purpose of the introductory period is to allow supervisory personnel to monitor the work of the new employee during the first 90 days of employment or the change in position and make a recommendation at the end of the introductory period regarding the employee's employment status beyond the introductory period.  During the 90-day introductory period, the new employee's supervisor, or designee, shall observe and evaluate the employee and, prior to the end of the 90-day introductory period, the supervisor shall submit a written evaluation to the Chief Human Resources Officer of the employee's performance, including a statement as to whether the supervisor recommends or does not recommend continued employment with the College.
  2. The 90-day introductory period does not change the nature of the at-will employment status of all professional-technical and support staff.  The College fully reserves the right to terminate the employment of any employee, both during and after the 90-day introductory period, as the college deems appropriate.

Revised: 03-26-2012, 01-23-2023

432.01 Whistleblower

  1. Philosophy: Sauk Valley Community College is committed to the highest ethical standards and conducts its operations in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.  As such, the College encourages employees to report allegations of internal wrongdoing and provides assurance they will be protected from retaliation for such reporting in good faith. 
  2. Definition: Wrongdoing may include, but is not limited to, the following: crimes or violations of the law or governmental regulations; fraud or financial irregularity; improper use of College funds, property, or assets; corruption, bribery, or blackmail; and harming College property.
  3. Response: The College will promptly investigate reports of possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of College resources made under this policy.  Appropriate action will be taken against anyone found to have engaged in fraudulent or dishonest conduct, including disciplinary action by the College, and/or civil and criminal prosecution when warranted.
  4. Reporting:
    1. Concerns about possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources should be made in writing via a form in FAST, which will be forwarded to the President, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or the Chief Human Resources Officer.  Sufficient information should be provided so that an investigation can be conducted.  Concerns may be submitted on a confidential anonymous basis, if the person so desires, but that doing so does not obligate the College to investigate the alleged misconduct (See Anonymous Submissions below).  
    2. The Whistleblower Hotline is an alternate reporting process.  The number of 835-835-6444 has been established and may be used to report concerns about possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources.  The Whistleblower Hotline is not an alternative grievance process intended to resolve a personal/personnel injustice.  
    3. Employees reporting suspected improper activities on the Whistleblower Hotline are encouraged to identify themselves so the College may contact them for further information if necessary.  Reports may be made anonymously if the employee feels that it is the only way he or she can disclose the information safely (See Anonymous Submissions below).  
  5. Anonymous Submissions: The College encourages those submitting concerns to put their names to allegations because appropriate follow-up questions and investigation may not be possible unless the source of the information is identified.  Anonymous whistleblowers must provide sufficient corroborating evidence to justify the commencement of an investigation.  An investigation of unspecified wrongdoing or broad allegations will not be undertaken without verifiable evidentiary support.  Because investigators are unable to interview anonymous whistleblowers, it may be more difficult to evaluate the credibility of the allegations and, therefore, less likely to cause an investigation to be initiated.
  6. Confidentiality: Reports and investigations will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law.  In general, whistleblower complaints will only be shared with those who have a need to know so that the College can conduct an effective investigation, determine what action to take based on the results of any such investigation, and, in appropriate cases, contact law enforcement personnel.  Should disciplinary or legal action be taken against a person or persons as a result of a whistleblower complaint, such persons may also have the right to know the identity of the whistleblower.
  7. Protection from Retaliation: An employee who in good faith reports a suspected violation of law or College policy shall not suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequence from other employees or the College.  An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a suspected violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.  Whistleblowers who believe they have been retaliated against may file a written complaint with the Chief Human Resources Officer or the College President.  Any complaint of retaliation will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective measures taken if allegations of retaliation are substantiated.
  8. Acting in Good Faith: Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation.  This policy is not intended and should not be used for personal grievances.  Allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious offense subject to discipline up to and including dismissal from employment.

Revised: 03-26-2018

500 - General Policy

501.01 Academic Programs and Requirements

The academic programs and requirements for the addition or deletion of any certificate or degree shall be authorized by vote of the Board of Trustees upon recommendation from the President and will be subject to additional approval procedures required by the Illinois Community College Board, the Board of Higher Education, and other cognizant regulatory agencies.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 12-15-2008

504.01  International Students

  1. The Board recognizes the value of international studies and promotes international student enrollment at SVCC.  Pursuant to applicable regulations [8CFR 214.2 (f)] Sauk Valley Community College has been authorized to enroll nonimmigrant international students into approved programs of study.  International students are defined as any individual admitted to the United States on an F-1 student visa and/or students issued the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (S.E.V.I.S.) Certificate of Nonimmigrant Eligibility (Form I-20).  International students shall meet the following requirements prior to being issued a Certificate of Nonimmigrant Eligibility (Form I-20):
    1. Have completed the equivalent of a high school education, as evidenced through United States transcripts, and/or a course by course foreign credential evaluation performed by an organization that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) The most common and NACES recognized foreign credential evaluation services used by S.V.C.C. students are Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) and World Education Services (WES), though any foreign credential evaluation service that is a member of NACES and provides course by course, along with high school and university level evaluations may be accepted.
    2. English language proficiency: International applicants are required to have achieved a minimum score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in cases where English was not the language of instruction of their secondary school programs. Minimum TOEFL scores are as follows: 66 on the internet based test, 173 on the computer based test, or 500 on the paper based test. Students whose secondary instruction was delivered in English may provide an official letter from the secondary school stating that English was the language of instruction, or an official transcript that indicates English as the language of instruction in lieu of TOEFL scores.  Prior college level course work completed in the U.S. in the area of English composition may also be used to meet the English language proficiency requirement.
    3. Provide a photocopy of the student's passport or birth certificate in order to validate date of birth, citizenship, and legal name.
    4. Submit a completed Student Information Form.
    5. Provide official transcripts from all secondary and postsecondary institutions attended. A foreign credential evaluation is required for any coursework completed outside of the United States.  Please reference (step 1) above for guidance related to foreign credential evaluations.
    6. Provide evidence of adequate financial support to include a financial sponsor affidavit and bank statement or official bank letter that is dated within 6 months of the application for admission. Please visit for current out of state cost of attendance details.  Bank statements submitted using any currency other than the U.S. dollar will be converted to U.S. dollars using XE Currency Converter or a similar web based currency conversion tool.  Available funds must be equal to or greater than the total cost of a student's attendance for the academic year in which the students begins study at S.V.C.C., in U.S. dollars after conversion.
    7. Meet all requirements for admission into the United States as set forth by United States Customs and Immigration Services (U.S.C.I.S.).
    8. Comply with all other requirements established by the Office of Admissions and Records and the Sauk Valley Community College academic catalog.  International students shall be charged the out-of-state tuition rate.  At the discretion of the college, international students participating in intercollegiate athletics, those who are residing with or being sponsored by a resident of the district, or those who have graduated from an in-district high school may be charged in-district tuition rates.
  2. Once steps a-h of the admissions process are appropriately completed, a Designated School Official may issue the student a Certificate for Nonimmigrant Eligibility (Form I-20).  The student then pays the SEVIS I-901 fee and may apply for an F-1 visa at a United States consulate in the student's home country.  Visa processing times vary by country and may take one month or more.  Students should never make travel plans until a visa has been received and accept total responsibility for ensuring adequate time for visa processing and travel.  Please note that new international students are not permitted to enter the United States more than 30 days prior to the start date listed on their Form I-20.  Students are strongly encouraged to arrive on campus in appropriate visa status at least one week prior to the start of term to allow time for any necessary placement testing, course registration, and international student orientation. International students who arrive on campus after the start of term may not be permitted to begin classes at Sauk Valley Community College.  Travel plans must be made accordingly, and the student assumes full responsibility for all travel costs.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 10-27-2003, 09-26-2011

505.01 Gifts, Grants, and Donations

  1. Offers of appropriate gifts, grants, and donations to Sauk Valley Community College, whether real or monetary, may be officially accepted by action of the College Board on recommendation of the President.
  2. Gifts or grants to the College in the name of an individual and/or for a specific purpose shall be noted by the Board and acknowledged by the President.
  3. The Board of Trustees, through the College President, will encourage any persons who wish to give gifts to the College that require regular management to instead make those gifts to the Sauk Valley College Foundation.
  4. The President shall report all such actions and recommendations to the Board; provided, however, when the donor shall inform the President that the donor wishes his, her, or its identity to remain anonymous, the President shall not disclose such identity.

Revised: 02-12-1987, 03-23-1987, 03-26-1990

505.02 Naming Rights

This policy serves as a guideline for the Sauk Valley Community College Trustees, the President, and the Director of the Sauk Valley College Foundation (hereafter referred to as “the Foundation”) to assist in the solicitation of gifts.  It is established to assure an appropriate reflection of the history of the College as well as consistency, fairness, fitting recognition, and good value in exchange for the honor or privilege of name association with a physical aspect of the College.  Sponsorship of physical property on campus through monetary gifts may occur to pay for all or part of a new campus facility or improvement.

  1. Naming Tributes: Naming may recognize a gift of monetary value appropriate to the facility being named.  Such gifts must comprise a substantial portion of the cost.  A substantial portion is defined as 75% for a twenty-year duration, 50% for a fifteen-year duration, and 25% for a ten-year duration.  The duration of naming shall be agreed to in the naming agreement.
  2. Donors: Those to be honored with naming opportunities may reflect individuals, families, organizations, foundations, or corporations.
  3. Guidelines: Giving levels for the naming of physical property will be established through consultation among the College Trustees, Foundation Directors, and President.  General guidelines are the following:
    1. Determination of Current Value: The current value of buildings and other major facilities and of real property shall be determined by the SVCC Finance Office.
    2. Giving levels may be established with either fixed or minimum dollar amounts for sponsorship of other physical property on campus.  Such property may include, but is not limited to, pavers, benches, planters, fountains, gardens, equipment, musical instruments, meeting rooms, classrooms, lounges, theaters, artwork, recreational facilities, and outdoor plazas.  Amounts for these naming opportunities will be set and adjusted periodically by Director of the SVCF.
  4. Rights and Responsibilities: The College President, in consultation with the donor, Foundation, or other appropriate parties, shall make decisions related to naming, not limited to the following:
    1. Public Announcements: The right to determine content, timing, location, and frequency of any announcements associated with the gift.
    2. Physical Markers: In order to have consistency of look and design, all plaques or signage will be handled through the SVCC Marketing Department and the design will be part of the SVCC Marketing Style Booklet.
    3. Care and Maintenance: The right and responsibility to determine and carry out the exact nature of any ongoing care and maintenance of the physical space.
  5. General Provisions
    1. Naming recognition should enhance the reputation and prestige of the College and the donor.
    2. Any legal impropriety or other act that brings dishonor to the College on the part of the donor or a corporate donor shall make the gift and naming subject to reconsideration by the College.
    3. Where a building or part has been named, the College will continue to use the name so long as the building, part, or facility remains in use and serves its original function, unless otherwise stipulated at the time of gift acceptance.  
    4. Commitments made prior to adoption of this policy shall be honored.
  6. Final Authority: The final authority for any naming rests with the College Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to consider any and all factors regarding the privilege of name association with the physical aspect of Sauk Valley Community College as particular acts and circumstances warrant.

Revised: 07-24-2017

507.01 Publications and Publicity

  1. The preparation of official announcements and publications of the College intended for general distribution off-campus, unless otherwise authorized by the President, will be supervised and released by the Office of College Relations.
    1. The Office of College Relations shall be used as a clearinghouse for news releases to avoid the duplication of materials that are released to the public and to maintain a consistent policy with regard to the standard and quality of publicity and publications.
    2. This office shall also be responsible for maintaining historical records, pictures and other general information concerning the development of the College.
  2. College Archives: It shall be the policy of Sauk Valley Community College that the institutional archives be developed and housed in the College Learning Resource Center.  The content and structure of the archives shall be developed jointly by the staff of the Learning Resource Center and the Office of College Relations.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 10-31-1994, 10-28-1996

509.01 Campus Access

Applicable Statute: 720 ILCS 5/21-3 (Criminal trespass to real property)

  1. Sauk Valley Community College is a public institution of higher education that can be visited by the general public. Even though SVCC is an open campus, the College has the ability to determine the expectations and parameters for a person's presence on College property.
  2. Individuals do not have a right to be on College property. Consistent with applicable laws, the College has the ability to restrict, withhold, or remove a person's access to or presence on College property.
  3. Persons who violate College policies, regulations, or rules or who pose a threat or risk to the safety and security of the College community or College property may be advised to leave by a SVCC official.  If a person refuses to leave after being asked to leave by a SVCC official, that person will be considered to be trespassing and subject to removal by law enforcement.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 09-28-2020

510.01 Reimbursement of Employee Expenses

  1. Purpose: To reimburse employees for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred within their scope of employment and directly related to their services performed; including those services required to be performed remotely.
  2. Statutory References:
    1. Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act (820 ILCS 115/9.5)
    2. Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50 ILCS 150)
  3. Approvals:
    1. Travel: Reimbursement of in-district and out-of-district travel expenses must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and submitted on a Travel Expense Report. Out-of-District travel must receive prior approval from the appropriate supervisor, approval from appropriate President's Cabinet member if out-of-state (excluding Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin which only need supervisor approval) and the President if out of the country, unless performed under emergency conditions.
    2. Personal Cell Phone, Home Internet, and Supplies: Additional costs incurred by employees may be eligible for reimbursement. To be eligible for reimbursement, employees must (1) have prior supervisor approval and (2) provide documentation that shows an increase in cost to the employee.
  4. Documentation: Employees shall submit any necessary expenditure with appropriate supporting documentation within 30 calendar days after incurring the expense. Where supporting documentation is nonexistent, missing, or lost, the employee shall submit a signed statement regarding any such receipts.
  5. Types of “Official Business” for which Travel, meal, and Lodging Expenses are Allowed: For the purposes of this Policy and any corresponding SVCC Business Office procedure, the types of “official business” for which reimbursement is permitted include professional and continuing education conferences, trainings, programs and seminars; meetings and events attended for the purposes of furthering the College's mission; study abroad programs for which the employee is a designated College advisor; athletics programs for which the employee is a coach or designated staff member; and student extracurricular activities for which the employee is a coach or designated College advisor (e.g., RadTech Senior, Phi Theta Kappa, etc.)
  6. Maximum Allowable Reimbursement for Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expenses: The maximum allowable reimbursement for Employee travel expenses shall be at the rates set forth below in “Travel Expenses”. All Employee travel expenses in excess of the maximum allowable rates must be approved by Board of Trustees roll call vote at an open meeting. However, the President may approve for reimbursement employee travel expenses that exceed the maximum allowable rates if such expenses are incurred because of emergency or other extraordinary circumstances.
  7. Travel Expenses:
    1. The permitted travel expense types and their associated maximum rates are set forth as follows (adequate documentation must be submitted to substantiate actual reimbursable expenses per this Policy)
    2. Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Transportation:
      1. Auto: IRS standard mileage rate at time of reimbursement. Traveler must be licensed and carry insurance that meets or exceeds minimum policy limits, as required by the Illinois State Statute. Cost shall not exceed airfare. No reimbursement will be paid for normal commute between home and the regular place of work or duty.
      2. Air Travel: Lowest reasonable rate (coach and economy). Travelers are strongly encouraged to book flights at least twenty-one (21) days in advance to avoid premium airfare pricing.
      3. Rental Car: Must be preapproved and lowest reasonable rate (midsize or smaller) or van depending on number of travelers.
      4. Rail or Bus: Lowest reasonable rate and cost shall not exceed air travel.
      5. Taxi, Shuttle, Rideshare, or Public Transportation: Actual reasonable rate.
    3. Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Meals and Incidentals (M&EI Rate):
      1. The cost of actual meals purchased while in travel status is not reimbursable and receipts for such meals should not be submitted with the expense report. Employees should not use a College credit card to purchase personal meals. Group meals may be purchased with a College credit card, but will also require a receipt to be submitted with the expense report. If meals are provided as part of a conference fee or because a group meal is provided, a per diem reimbursement should not be claimed with the expense report for such meal.
      2. Domestic Travel: General Services Administration (GSA) city per diem daily rate[1] for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
      3. International Travel: U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances city per diem daily rate[2] or as approved by the Board/President or Designee.
    4. Maximum Reimbursable Rates for Lodging:
      1. Domestic Travel: General Services Administration (GSA) city per diem rate or established conference rate1, whichever is greater. Always ask for, and try to receive the Government Rate for Lodging.
      2. International Travel: U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances maximum lodging rate2, or as approved by the Board/President or Designee.
    5. Entertainment: The College shall not reimburse any Board member, administrator, officer, or employee for any entertainment expense unless such expense is required for the purpose of the program or event. Entertainment includes, but is not limited to, shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events, or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement.
  8. Personal Cell Phone: Reimbursement may be eligible for documented increased costs due to work-related calls at a maximum rate of $50 per month.
  9. Home Internet: Reimbursement may be eligible for documented increased costs due to work-related activities required to be performed at home at a maximum rate of $50 per month.
  10. Supplies: Reimbursement may be eligible for documented costs for supplies incurred by the employee to perform work-related activities required to be performed away from the College, and only where the College has not made such supplies available for use to the employee. Any supplies reimbursed by the College shall be considered property of the College.




[1] U.S. General Services Administration rates may be found at and are updated annually in October.

[2] U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Administration, Office of Allowances rates may be found at and are updated monthly.

Revised: 10-28-1980, 04-01-1981, 03-27-1989, 02-26-1990, 06-26-2000, 11-28-2005, 10-24-2011, 11-23-2015, 07-25-2016, 02-27-2017, 05-26-2020, 10-23-2023

510.02 Safe Vehicle Use

The safe use of vehicles to conduct College business applies to all College owned vehicles as well as employee personal or rental vehicles.  All individuals driving a vehicle on behalf of the College must meet the following criteria:

  1. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age; must be a duly licensed driver authorized to operate a motor vehicle and must possess at least the minimum amount of auto liability insurance required by the employee's state of residence.
  2. Drivers and passengers must wear seatbelts.  Drivers can only transport the number of persons for which there are seatbelts in the vehicle.  The use of electronic devices by College personnel while operating a College vehicle or equipment off campus is prohibited.  For definition purposes, an electronic device includes, but is not limited to, cellphones (including hands-free options), pagers, PDA's, beepers or two-way radios.  Exceptions will be allowed for employees operating College vehicles on campus while conducting outside operations or faculty and students while taking part in necessary training.
  3. Drivers must observe all traffic regulations and be aware of inclement weather conditions such as rain, snow, and ice and take extra time when such conditions exist.
  4. Drivers must report all accidents to the appropriate law enforcement agency and to the Director of Buildings and Grounds, regardless of damage.
  5. Smoking is not allowed in any College owned or rented vehicle.  Drivers shall be alcohol and drug free.
  6. When a personal vehicle is used while on College business, the personal auto insurance of the driver is primary and there is no reimbursement for damages to the personal vehicle.
  7. For long distance trips, there should be more than one authorized driver and make arrangements for rotating driving responsibilities as needed.
  8. Drivers are responsible for the security and safety of the College owned/rented vehicle until it is returned to the designated location at the College or rental property.  Individuals who are charged with traffic or parking violations while driving will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such actions.

Revised: 02-27-2012

511.01 Use of College Facilities

  1. College facilities are open to the community for appropriate uses, as scheduling allows. The priorities listed below are established for utilization of the College facilities.
    1. SVCC classroom instruction.  No fees will be assessed.
    2. College-related activities initiated by or participated in by SVCC faculty, staff, or students.  No fees will be assessed.
    3. Cooperative activities on an occasional basis with other educational institutions including local public schools and other colleges and universities.  No rental fees will be assessed, but non-college groups are expected to pay the actual direct costs incurred by the College.  These costs will be determined by the Chief Facilities Officer.
    4. Cooperative activities on an occasional basis with not-for-profit groups that may be of general interest to the SVCC student body, College staff, or community.  Such organizations may include, but not be limited to, churches, community service clubs, political action groups, hobby-leisure time organizations, and other governmental bodies.  Rental fees may be assessed based on the approved rental rate schedule for non-commercial groups.
    5. Commercial ventures that are profit-making and for private gain, but which by virtue of the events they sponsor may also provide a service to the College, its students, and/or the community.  Rental fees may be assessed based on the approved rental rate schedule for commercial groups and may include direct costs.
  2. Rental rates assessed for group commercial activities and non-commercial activities as well as any direct costs associated with use of the facilities will be determined on an annual basis by the College administration.  The rates may apply to all or any part of one day.  A list of rental rates and direct costs associated with use of the College facilities will be available to the public in the Information Office.  Direct costs are those which may be connected clearly with the activity.  Examples of direct costs are equipment, supplies, insurance, electrical hookups, air conditioning, or personnel such as custodial, security, and lighting equipment operators.  The Chief Facilities Officer is responsible for providing personnel and a security force to supervise the event for which permission has been obtained.  College administration is responsible for determining the classification of a particular event, the need for event organizers to provide certificates of insurance, and any fee charges.  Any problems regarding interpretation of the priorities or implementation of this policy shall be resolved by the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Facilities Officer.
  3. The outside marquee will be utilized only for College-related activities, in accordance with the College's agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation authorizing the placement of the marquee on IDOT's right-of-way.
  4. The College shall deny the use of College facilities to any person or groups whose policy, practice or activity is considered by the Board to be detrimental to the best interests of the College.  Any activity, whether scheduled or casual, that could potentially interfere with College-approved activities, could cause damage to College property or grounds, could present unreasonable risk of bodily harm, or could cause unreasonable risk of danger to the safety of uninvolved third parties or their property, is prohibited.
  5. Discharge of firearms is prohibited.  The unlawful use of controlled substances and the abuse of non-prescription medications on College property, in College facilities, or in College vehicles is prohibited.  The use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited on College property, in College facilities, or in College vehicles.  Smoking is limited to designated areas outside of College buildings.  Consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted on campus for special events as approved by the Board.
  6. Any group or individual who has been denied use of any College facilities for particular purposes including casual use may petition the Board for permission to make such use of the College facilities.  The petition to the Board shall be written and shall describe the proposed use and anticipated participants. Such petition shall be filed with the College President.

Revised: 02-11-1979, 01-24-1983, 03-23-1987, 11-28-1994, 01-22-1996, 11-25-1996, 12-15-2003, 07-26-2004, 11-28-2005, 05-18-2009

512.01 Financial Aid Emergency Student Loan Advance

  1. Short-term emergency loans may be made to students who are receiving financial aid, if approved by the Chief Financial Assistance Officer.  The student's account must be paid in full by the end of the semester in which the loan was issued.  Loans will be made in accordance with rules established by administrative procedure.  Exceptions to the procedure rules may be granted if approved by the President.
  2. The maximum loan that a full-time student may receive will be $1,000 per semester (excluding book loans).  The maximum loan that a part-time student may receive will be $500 per semester (excluding book loans).
  3. The President will report on the number of delinquent loans to the Board of Trustees on an annual basis.

Revised: 01-14-1980, 04-28-1997, 01-26-1998, 12-15-2003, 06-28-2004, 12-19-2005, 10-24-2011, 03-28-2016

513.01 Financial Aid Tuition Hold Program

  1. Students at Sauk Valley Community College are responsible for payment of tuition at the time of registration.  Students who are in the process of registering and who have applied for approved federal, state, and local financial aid programs, and who, because of time or processing factors have not yet received their financial aid award, may be eligible to participate.  This eligibility will be determined by the Chief Financial Assistance Officer after evaluation and analysis of supporting data that anticipate a future financial aid award to the student.
  2. Policy Guidelines
    1. Student requests for the Financial Aid Tuition Hold Program must be made in person at the Financial Aid Office.  Students must provide the required documentation.
    2. All federal, state, and local financial aid applications must be completed, reviewed, and mailed from the Sauk Valley Community College Financial Aid Office.
    3. A student must meet eligibility (federal, state, and local) requirements for participation in financial aid programs.  Some of these requirements include approved programs, GED and/or high school diploma, enrolled as a part-time student, and satisfactory academic progress.
    4. Students permitted to participate in the Financial Aid Tuition Hold Program are expected to have all tuition paid prior to the mid-term date of the semester in which they are enrolled.
    5. Any student financial obligation that is due to Sauk Valley Community College will result in a freeze being placed on the transmittal of any student records.  Students covered by any grants or donor agreements are exempted and may pursue their studies; their financial obligation will stand.  Should the Chief Financial Assistance Officer and/or the Chief Financial Officer be unable to collect the amount due the College, the bad debt may be forwarded to a collection agency for disposition.

Revised: 01-14-1980, 03-23-1987, 04-28-1997, 07-24-2000, 02-28-2022

514.01 Alcoholic Beverages

Applicable Statutes:

Sauk Valley Community College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages on campus and at College-sponsored events.  No alcoholic beverages shall be sold or served on the premises of Sauk Valley Community College, unless there is specific permission granted by the Board of Trustees for the specific event or occasion.

Revised: 08-27-1984, 03-23-1987, 01-25-2021

515.01 Computer Software

  1. No one may make or use unauthorized copies of computer software at the College.  The original license agreement for proprietary computer software used at the College shall be on file in the Office of Information Systems.
  2. Prior to installation or use of any software in the computer lab facility, proof of a license agreement covering usage, number of units and installation type will be required for proprietary software purchased by the College.
  3. The College will not knowingly allow anyone to duplicate or replicate copyrighted software in any manner, unless the written permission of the copyright holder is first obtained and filed in the Office of Information Systems.

Revised: 05-28-1987, 03-23-1987, 04-27-1992

516.01 Drug-Free Campus

Applicable Statutes:

It is the policy of Sauk Valley Community College that its campus be drug-free, including students, employees, and visitors.

  1. For the purpose of this policy, a “controlled” substance is any one or more of the following: (1) which is not legally obtainable as defined by the Schedules of Controlled Substances (21 USC 812); (2) which is legally obtainable but is being used in a manner different from that prescribed; or (3) which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained.
  2. The unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in campus buildings, on campus grounds, in College vehicles, at College-sponsored activities, or in any other workplace designated for College employees.
  3. Students who violate this policy will be governed by the College's Student Code of Conduct and subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension, expulsion, and/or other corrective actions aimed at rehabilitation.
  4. Employees, as a condition of employment, are required to notify the College of any criminal drug conviction resulting from a violation occurring at the workplace no later than five (5) days after conviction.  A conviction is defined as a finding of guilt (including plea of no contest) or imposition of a sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility of determining violations of the federal or state criminal drug statutes.  The College shall notify the appropriate federal agency from which it received grant monies of an employee conviction within ten (10) days after receiving notice of such a conviction.  Within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of a conviction, the College shall institute appropriate disciplinary action. This action could include, but is not limited to, dismissal.  The College may also require an employee who violated this policy to participate satisfactorily in an employee assistance program or a substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
  5. Visitors determined to have violated this policy are subject to removal from College premises and may also be subject to legal action.
  6. The College shall develop a drug-free awareness program which will inform College students and employees of the following:
    1. The short and long-term health risks of the use of illicit drugs and alcohol;
    2. The College's policy of maintaining a drug-free campus;
    3. Any health or drug abuse agency which provides drug counseling, rehabilitation, and assistance programs; and
    4. The penalties that may be imposed for drug abuse violations.
  7. A notice complying with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug Free Communities and Schools Act Amendments of 1989 shall be distributed annually to each student and employee of the College.
  8. SVCC will complete a biennial review of its drug-free policies and procedures each even year.

Revised: 05-22-1989, 12-19-2005, 05-21-2018, 02-24-2020, 01-25-2021

517.01 Campus Security

Applicable Statute: 20 USC 1092(f) (Clery Act)

  1. By October 1 of each year, the Clery Coordinator shall prepare an Annual Security Report (ASR) and distribute either the report or a notice of its availability to all current students and employees, and to any applicant for enrollment or employment who requests the report.  The annual security report shall contain, at minimum, the policy statements and crime statistics required by the Clery Act.
  2. The administration shall make timely warnings to students and employees whenever a crime poses is a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.  Emergency notifications will be issued when an immediate, significant danger to the health or safety of the campus community arises.
  3. The College will designate and train Campus Security Authorities to receive and report crimes to the College's Clery Coordinator.  The Clery Coordinator will maintain a written, easily understood crime log that records the date a crime was reported; the nature, date, time and general location of each crime; and the disposition of the complaint, if known.  Disclosure of certain portions of this information may be restricted under the Freedom of Information Act.

Revised: 07-27-1992, 11-22-1993, 11-28-1994, 10-23-2000, 06-28-2004, 08-24-2009, 01-25-2021

517.02 Violence Free Campus

In compliance with Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 (110 ILCS 12) and Ill. Admin. Code tit. 29, § 305.10 - 305.110., Sauk Valley Community College enacts the Violence Free Campus Policy.

  1. Violence is not tolerated: Violence, threats or implied threats of violence, and intimidation (verbal or physical acts intended to frighten or coerce) impede the goal of providing a safe campus and learning environment and will not be tolerated.  All students, employees and visitors are covered by this policy.  This policy applies to conduct on campus, which includes all property owned or used by the College.
  2. Weapons: Firearms and other dangerous weapons are not permitted on the campus except for purposes of law enforcement and as specially authorized for purposes of instruction, research or service.
  3. Enforcement: The College will pursue disciplinary action, civil or criminal action as appropriate under the circumstances against any person who violates College policy by engaging in such violence, threats of violence, or intimidation.
  4. Reporting
    1. Immediate Danger: Individual who is a threat to himself, herself, or others.
    2. Students, employees and visitors should address emergencies by calling 911 from any campus phone.
    3. Potential Danger: Individual who is a threat to himself, herself, or others.
    4. Students, employees, and visitors should notify SVCC Campus Security (Room 1C04) at (815) 835-6389 or (815) 441-2040 or  SVCC Campus Security is the central location for tracking concerns of violence.  It is important that SVCC Campus Security is made aware of concerns or threats of violence even if they occur on property outside of campus.
    5. Urgent Concern: Individual exhibits concerning behavior but no apparent threat.
    6. Contact the Dean of Student Services at 815-835-6305 or access a SVCC Counselor in the Student Services Center (First Floor, West Mall).  Staff should complete an “Early Alert Referral” in FAST.
    7. The College has adopted procedures for responding to and addressing conduct that violates this policy and urges all students, employees and visitors to be alert to the possibility of violence on campus.  As part of the College community, all students, employees and visitors are responsible for reporting violence they experience.
  5. Threat Management: The Campus Violence Prevention Committee promotes awareness and responsiveness across campus to avoid or address situations that may involve violence, threats, intimidation or property damage.  The Sauk Valley Crisis Assistance Team (SVCAT) serves as the Campus Threat Assessment Team assessing situations involving the potential for violence.  SVCAT provides assistance to faculty, staff, and students in addressing situations in which a student or staff member displays concerns.
  6. Resources and Preparedness: Sauk Valley Community College, as part of its annual communication on safety, will inform individuals of this policy and its related procedures and resources.
  7. Confidentiality: Confidentiality of complaints and parties will be preserved to the greatest extent possible, understanding that the College may have an obligation to take some action even if the complainant is reluctant to proceed.  Parties and witnesses to a complaint are also expected to maintain confidentiality of the matter, understanding that they will often not have all the facts and that they could impair the investigation by divulging information to persons outside of the investigatory process.
  8. Non-Retaliation and False Claims: The College prohibits retaliation against persons who in good faith report violations of this policy or cooperate in an investigation.  The College also prohibits the filing of knowingly false or misleading reports and providing knowingly false or misleading information in an investigation.  Discipline or other action can result from either of these acts in violation of this policy.

Revised: 11-25-2019

517.03 Mental Health Action on Campus

In accordance with HB 2152, Sauk Valley Community College will designate a standing committee of mental health professionals chaired by an SVCC Clinical Mental Health Counselor to develop and implement policies and procedures that advise students, faculty, and staff on the proper procedures for identifying and addressing the needs of students exhibiting symptoms of mental health conditions; promote understanding of the rules of section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to increase knowledge and understanding of student protections under the law; and provide training if appropriate.

Revised: 05-26-2020

518.01 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct

Sauk Valley Community College is committed to fostering a safe, productive learning environment and does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its' educational programs or activities.  Title IX and College Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender or sex.  Sexual misconduct including sex-based harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, exploitation, and stalking are prohibited acts.  All forms of sexual misconduct or other identified acts of prohibited conduct under the College's policy is regarded as serious, and violations can result in discipline, including possibility of separation from the College.  In accordance with Title IX and Sexual Misconduct/Discrimination policy, Sauk Valley Community College will develop procedures that:

  1. Comply with the most recent State and Federal Regulations pertaining to Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education.
  2. Highlight the College's commitment to address sexual misconduct and define prohibited conduct.
  3. Describe the reporting, investigation, and grievance procedures for allegations of sexual misconduct.
  4. Define the roles of various individuals at Sauk Valley Community College involved in the investigation and adjudication of reported instances of sexual misconduct.
  5. Outline the resources available to all parties in reported sexual misconduct cases.
  6. Provide appropriate training to all employees, students and others involved in sexual misconduct cases.

Revised: 09-28-2015, 08-31-2020

519.01 Human Subject Research

Sauk Valley Community College shall establish and maintain procedures, which includes an Institutional Review Board (IRB), to ensure the ethical and responsible treatment of human subjects in research.  Anyone proposing to conduct any kind of research involving human subjects either on the College premises or on behalf of the College must first obtain the approval of the IRB.  The IRB shall be appointed and convened by the President or designee.

Revised: 06-21-2010

520.01 Accessibility

  1. Sauk Valley Community College, in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, including Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, is committed to fostering an inclusive environment and providing equal access and reasonable accommodation in its programs, services, activities, education, and employment for individuals with disabilities.
  2. Wherever practicable, SVCC shall procure information and communication technology that meets accessibility requirements as specified by WCAG 2.1 Level AA or above. Vendors must provide a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) 2.3 or higher, WCAG or INT edition; in the absence of a fully accessible product or service, the most accessible product or service will be selected.



521.01 Copyright

  1. Sauk Valley Community College respects intellectual property rights and fulfills its legal and moral obligations with regard to copyrighted works by adhering to United States copyright laws including the United States Copyright Law of 1976, Title 17 U.S.C. and its amendments.
  2. No student or employee of SVCC may engage in reproduction, exhibition, or public performances of copyrighted works in print, video, or digital form in violation of the law. Likewise, illegal copying or sharing of copyrighted software, movies, or music is prohibited on College-owned equipment. Copyrighted works may include, but are not limited to, printed materials such as books and articles from periodicals, audiovisual recordings, television, radio, web broadcasts, photographs, illustrations, computer software and web pages.
  3. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to use materials that further the educational mission of the College while being mindful of their rights and responsibilities of such use within the educational environment. To that end, they are encouraged to take full advantage of all relevant licenses, exemptions, and exclusions provided for under copyright laws or to secure permissions from copyright holders to reproduce, distribute, display, or perform protected materials.  Those who disregard this policy do so at their own risk and assume all liability for their actions. 
  4. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or statutory damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed.  For willful infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed.  A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorney fees.  Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.



600 - Student Regulations

601.01 Rights and Responsibilities of Students

  1. Sauk Valley Community College is committed to a philosophy that ensures the basic rights of students, such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right of inquiry.  In consideration of these rights, it is implicit that students should accept those responsibilities that are inherent with attendance at a public community college.  These include such basic responsibilities as:
    1. Respect for public and private property,
    2. Respect for the rights and privileges of others,
    3. Adherence to recognized standards of scholarship, and
    4. Respect for duly constituted authority.
  2. Students should recognize that the primary educational function of Sauk Valley Community College must be maintained at all times and that ultimate authority rests with the Board of Trustees as elected representatives of the College constituency.  The Board serves as the place of final appeal for grievances in any matter concerning the College provided that the student shall have first exhausted all relevant procedures and appeals provided by College policy or procedure.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 10-28-1996, 01-25-2005, 03-27-2006, 02-22-2016

602.01 Student Admission, Retention, and Academic Standing

The College shall have procedures related to student admissions, retention and academic standing, which are outlined in the College catalog and include guidelines in the following areas:

  1. Admissions,
  2. Residency,
  3. Refund,
  4. Proficiency and Credit by Evaluation,
  5. Attendance,
  6. Grading,
  7. Repeat,
  8. Academic Probation and Dismissal,
  9. Graduation, and
  10. Financial Aid Standards of Progress.

Revised: 03-22-1981, 10-28-1996, 03-27-2006, 02-22-2016

602.03 College Placement

The College shall maintain an academic placement program to ensure students enroll in courses that most accurately reflect their current skills and abilities in language arts and mathematics.

Revised: 01-27-1992, 10-28-1996, 11-28-2005

603.01 Student Records

Sauk Valley Community College policy on student records complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, which is a federal law stating (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students be made available.  The law provides that the institution will maintain the confidentiality of student educational records.  The Office of the Registrar will be responsible for compliance.

Revised: 02-12-1979, 03-23-1987, 10-28-1996, 09-25-2000, 06-28-2004, 03-27-2006, 08-22-2016

613.01 Policy for Posting Materials

All community and student materials to be posted should be submitted to the Office of Marketing and Public Relations Office for approval.  All approved materials will be stamped and posted in pre-designated areas.  Materials posted without approval or in undesignated areas may be removed.  Sauk Valley Community College assumes no responsibility for damage or removal of posted materials.

Revised: 10-28-1996, 03-27-2006, 11-23-2009, 02-27-2012, 07-25-2016

614.01 Assembly, Rally, or Demonstration

  1. Discussion and expression of all views are permitted within Sauk Valley Community College subject only to requirements for the maintenance of order.  Support of any cause by orderly means, which is not in violation of law and which does not disrupt the operation of the College nor interfere with the rights of others, is permitted.  The College retains the right to ensure the safety of individuals, the protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.
  2. In accordance with the Illinois Statute, Interference with public institution of higher education and the Student Code of Conduct, the College prohibits acts that interfere with College operations; the policy provides for freedom of expression and lawful assembly at the College and for the orderly petition for redress of grievances.  As with such, venues are provided on campus for the lawful expression of opinions, demonstrations, and protests.  The College retains the right to regulate the time, place, and manner of demonstrations to ensure the safety of individuals, the protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.   Contact the Dean of Students for approved procedures and regulations.

Revised: 10-28-1996, 06-28-2004, 03-27-2006, 08-22-2016

616.01 Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

  1. Sauk Valley Community College has a Board-approved Code of Student Conduct.
  2. Each student is responsible for knowledge of and compliance with this Code of Student Conduct.  The administration shall make the Code widely available to the student body.  The Code of Student Conduct shall be published in the College catalog and on the College's website.
  3. Violation of the Code of Student Conduct may result in discipline of the student, to include expulsion and loss of credit.  Procedures shall be implemented by the administration that will recognize the student's right to procedural due process.
  4. No student subject to pending charges of violation of the Code of Student Conduct shall be permitted to withdraw with a clean record until such charges have been resolved.
  5. The College officer having principal authority for enforcement of the Code of Student Conduct shall be the Dean of Students.

Revised: 06-17-1996, 06-28-2004, 03-27-2006, 10-28-1996, 03-27-2000, 12-21-2009

623.01 Student Organization Policies

  1. Sauk Valley Community College recognizes the important role that student organizations can play in developing students' personal and professional interest.  The Board of Trustees encourages the establishment and participation of students in organizations and extra-curricular activities that serve as an extension of the College's academic programs or that otherwise relate to the overall mission of the College and the welfare of the student.  These activities will include, but are not limited to Student Government, Clubs and Organizations, and Student Organizations.
  2. Student organizations operating on campus must be recognized by Student Government and the Dean of Students.  Such recognition provides certain privileges and regulations that are outlined and available in the Dean of Students Office.

Revised: 10-28-1996, 06-25-2001, 06-28-2004, 03-27-2006, 01-25-2010, 10-24-2016

625.01 Sauk Valley Community College Policy for Residency Verification

All students enrolling in Sauk Valley Community College shall be required to provide substantiation of their place of residence and the period of that residence to the satisfaction of the Office of Admissions.  Specific classifications shall be identified in the College catalog and the College website.

Revised: 10-28-1996, 04-17-2006, 11-28-2016