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Odile Blazquez

Professor, English Language Arts

Phone: (815) 835-6242
Office: 2C12
Photo of Odile Blazquez
DegreeMajor EmphasisInstitutionYear
Masters Written Communication National Louis Univ-Chicago 2018
Doctoral Medicine (MD) Tech Institute Santo Domingo 1983
Specialty Areas
Developmental Education: reading and writing English as a Second Language
Courses Taught
ELA 095 & ELA 099 ENG 101 ENG 103
Outstanding Full-time Faculty 2020 Student Support Services Leadership Award 2011 Distinguished Service Award 2009
Reading Collecting Native American art and artifacts, particularly pottery.
What I like most about SVCC
I'm proud to be part of a team of dedicated administration, faculty, and staff that works together to provide the best learning experience for the students. Besides quality academic programs, Sauk has an excellent support network to help its students succeed academically and to help them manage any obstacles that may interfere with academic success. Great people and great programs make Sauk a great place to work.
Favorite quote: “Instruction begins when you, the teacher, learn from the learner; put yourself in his place so that you may understand…what he learns and the way he understands it.” Soren Kierkegaard

Fall 2024 Schedule