Explore what Sauk has to offer!
XSoar to Successat SVCC
- Pre-Registration Tutorial
- Online Registration and PlanningPrepare a plan for registration so you can register for classes as soon as registration opens.
- New Student ChecklistGet your new student checklist for registration.
- Current and Returning Student ChecklistExplore class schedules, financial aid, student organizations, and more.
- Dual Credit StudentsExplore how you can earn college-level credit in high school.
- New Veteran Student ChecklistExplore Sauk's Veteran-friendly services.
- Parents & Families
- Consumer Information / Right-To-Know
- HEERF Reporting
Academic Programs
XLearn LocalEarn Local
- Earn a Transfer DegreePreparing to transfer to another college to earn a bachelor's degree?
- Earn a Career-Technical DegreePreparing for a specialized career or to advance in employment?
- Earn a CertificationPreparing for an entry-level occupation?
- Dual Credit ProgramsStart earning college credit while still in high school.
- The AcademyComplete your college general education core during your senior year of high school.
- Explore Our Programs
- Explore Our Classes
Impact Program
XStudent Life
XAdult Education
XCommunity Education
XBusiness Training
XYour SaukYour Career
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC)Check out the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at SVCC.
- Get Customized TrainingSVCC offers customized training is available for businesses and organizations.
- Prepare for a Job SearchLooking for a job? SVCC's career services can help you get started right!
- Economic DevelopmentGet involved with our Economic Development process.