Cross-Cultural Services

Sauk Valley Community College welcomes you to our community and invites you and your family to take advantage of the opportunity to study at Sauk. SVCC offers certificate and degree programs that can prepare you for better employment or to transfer to a four-year university. If there is a language barrier, Sauk offers free ESL classes and Project VITAL. Being bilingual and having an education in this country has many benefits. Don't miss the opportunities that Sauk offers and attend classes now!
My name is Ana Salgado, Cross-Cultural Cultural Coordinator at SVCC. Just like many of you, I know how difficult it is to obtain an education in a new country and that transitions always present challenges that can be both exciting and difficult. This is especially true when one is far from one's natural support systems. Sauk Valley Community College recognizes these challenges. As Cross-Cultural Coordinator, I provide assistance to Latino and minority students and their families in reaching their educational and career goals.
Some students have a clear idea of what their concerns are before seeking help; many others simply feel that some things are not going as well as they had hoped. Either way, I am here to help you and connect you with the services that you might need.
Cross-Cultural Services offers:
- Interpreting Services;
- Connection with all Sauk's on-campus resources;
- Connection with community resources;
- On-campus club ALAS (Association of Latin American Students);
- FUSE Program (Families United for a Strong Education) &
- An open and welcoming environment.
If you need assistance or would like more information please feel free to stop by my office, email me at, or contact me at 815/835-6432.
Para ayuda en Español comuníquese al 815/835-6432.
A.L.A.S. - Association of Latin American Students
ALAS is open to all students. Our mission is to provide a better scholastic, cultural, political and social life for students and to bring more Latino students to Sauk Valley Community College.
We promote cultural awareness by sponsoring a variety of events throughout the year. Some of our past activities include: the Collegiate Leadership Development Program, representing SVCC at the Fiesta Parade, the Day of the Dead Celebration, and field trips. ALAS has also attended the National Hispanic Leadership Conference in Chicago which offers opportunities for advanced leadership skills development based on the values of cultural pride, integrity, and empowerment.
Students' ideas are always welcomed! If you are interested in joining A.L.A.S., please contact the A.L.A.S. Advisor at 815/835-6432 or visit the ALAS Facebook Page: Association of Latin American Students at SVCC.
F.U.S.E. - Families United for a Strong Education
Families United for a Strong Education (F.U.S.E) is a bilingual program offered to Hispanic/Latino English Language Learners with children from 4th to 12th grade.
F.U.S.E.'s goal is to assist families in setting higher educational goals, improving their quality of life, and increasing communication between family members.
The F.U.S.E. program provides sessions to assist families in overcoming barriers that limit their academic success. Topics include:
- Benefits of postsecondary education
- Planning for college
- Family communication
- Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment
Parents are encouraged to attend ESL/GED classes offered through Sauk and to become engaged in their children's education.
Sauk Valley Community College's Cross-Cultural Services assists families in setting higher educational goals and improving their quality of life. For more information on Sauk's FUSE Program, contact Ana Salgado, coordinator of cross-cultural services, at 815/835-6432.
Paying for College
Latina/o Scholarships
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
- United States Hispanic Leadership Institute
Resources for Undocumented Students
Undocumented Student Liaison
Sauk Valley Community College is committed to the success of all students, regardless of immigration status. The Undocumented Student Liaison assists undocumented students and mixed status students in streamlining access to financial aid and academic support to successfully matriculate to degree completion. If you are a student or the parent of an undocumented or mixed status student needing help connecting with resources on campus, please call 815-835-6432 for assistance.
- While students without a social security number do not meet eligibility for Federal Financial Assistance, students can apply for the Illinois MAP grant courtesy of the Retention of Illinois Students & Equity (RISE) Act and Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid: The RISE Act was signed into law on June 21, 2019. The RISE Act allows access to state financial aid to previously inelegible students. You must meet eligibility requirements. For additional information, including a link to the Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid, please visit: ISAC Resources for Non-US Citizens MAP Eligibility (RISE Act).
Scholarships for Students Regardless of Immigration Status
- SVCC Foundation
- SVCC Payment Plan
- Illinois MAP Grant
- Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
Mental Health Resources
Additional Resources
Advocacy and rights