
Receipt of Loan Checks

All loan monies are received from Department of Education by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) three to five day after the disbursement date.  On the disbursement date your loan funds are disbursed by SVCC.  They are then processed by the Business Office for mailing to the student on the following Thursday.  Checks are not available for pick up at the Business Office. 

Once checks have been processed, you will receive a letter and any funds that were not used to pay charges at SVCC. This letter will inform you of the amount of the monies received from the Department of Education by SVCC and the date it was received. The letter will also advise you of your rights to cancel all or part of this loan. 

If your are unsure of when a check is due to be mailed to you, Please check your Student e-mail. All Direct Loan students are e-mailed (student e-mail not your personal e-mail account) an award loan letter which tells them the day checks are expected to be mailed to the students. Please be aware that the date is an anticipated date assuming that all loan requirements have been met.