
Pre-Registration Tutorial

Check the Academic Calendar for registration dates.

This walk-through is for Desktop users who have not yet established an Academic Plan.

Desktop Tutorial (with a Plan)

Mobile Device Tutorial (without a Plan)

Mobile Device Tutorial (with a Plan)

Step Listing

Step-by-Step Directions

(Click images to enlarge)

  1. Step 1: Login to Registration Self-Service

    Login with your Sauk Login at: https://registration.svcc.edu

  2. Step 2: Select Your Term

    If prompted for an Alternate PIN:
    • Enter the PIN provided by your Academic Advisor
    • If you do not have an Alternate PIN, contact your assigned Academic Advisor or 815-835-6354

  3. Step 3: Click on "Enter CRNs"

    Click on the Enter CRNs tab (or the Find Classes tab if you need to search for a specific class)

  4. Step 4: Add Classes

    Once the CRN or class information is entered, click Add to Summary.

    Repeat this process if you need to add multiple classes, until all classes are added. You will see a 'Summary Box' in the bottom right corner with all the class information.

  5. Step 5: Submit!

    Click 'Submit' in the bottom right corner to complete Registration.

  6. Step 6: (IMPORTANT) Confirm Registration

    Once submitted, the top right corner will display any messages. It is important to verify that it comes up in a green box that says Save Successful -- (You can also look in the Summary Box to verify that it says Registered next to each class).

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Take the Next Step!

Ready for more? You might want to check out the following tutorial(s) that build on this one.