
Student Handbook - Safety & Security

Sauk Valley Community College is committed to providing a safe and secure environment.

It is possible, though unlikely, that SVCC will experience an emergency on campus. It is impossible to predict the nature of all emergencies, but SVCC officials discuss and plan for the most likely emergency situations. If an emergency occurs on campus, students, employees, and visitors will be informed of the situation in a variety of ways: Intercom system, text alerts, e-mails, SVCC website, internal and external signage, SVCC or emergency personnel, or phone calls.

Students receive information about evacuation and shelter-in-place/lock-down procedures during mandatory orientation sessions. Emergency procedures are also posted throughout campus and on the SVCC website.

For further information, visit the Campus Security and Emergency Procedures website, the Information/Security Center located on the west end of the main building, or call the Security  (RM 1C04) at 815.835.6389 or visit svcc.edu/about/security.


Students should report all accidents—personal and automotive—to the campus Information/Security Center (1C04), where students will be advised of next steps. The intent of reporting accidents is to protect individuals and to secure valid documentation for insurance purposes. If witnesses were present when the accident occurred, they should make appropriate written statements. It is the responsibility of the person involved in the accident to take the initiative in carrying out these procedures.

Campus Closing

Sauk Valley Community College has adopted an emergency notification system that enables the school to send urgent news to cell phones. Once students sign up for the service, the school can text their cell phones with timely information about emergencies and campus closings. In addition to text messages, students can also choose to receive a phone call, email. Depending on individual cell phone plans, there may be a nominal fee from the carrier to receive text messages, but there is no charge from the school to use the service. The service is available to all current students, faculty, and staff, and the general public. Students, faculty, and staff may log in using their Sauk Login to add or update their information at svcc.edu/txt-alerts. Parents or members of the general public may create an account by visiting svcc.edu/txt-alerts.

Campus Crime Statistics & Annual Security Report

The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (also known as the Jeanne Clery Act) and the Higher Education Act of 2010 as amended, requires all colleges and universities to publish an annual security/fire report of campus crime over the previous three years. A complete description of SVCC emergency procedures, policies, and crime/fire statistics can be found in the latest SVCC Annual Security and Fire Safety Report at svcc.edu/security-report.

College Resource Officer

A full-time College Resource Officer (CRO) is provided through a joint program of Lee County Sheriff's Office and Sauk. The purpose of the CRO is to create and maintain a safe learning environment for the College's students, teachers,staff, and daily visitors. The CRO's office is located by the Dillon Mall in RM 1L03.


Emergency Procedures

Community members, students, faculty, staff and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to SVCC security in a timely manner. To report a crime in progress, or an emergency on the SVCC campus,  dial 911 from a campus phone if possible or a personal phone, use the call boxes located around campus, call 815.835.6389, or report the crime to the Information/Security Center located on the west end of the main building (RM 1C04)

To report a non-emergency security or public safety matter, call campus security at 815.835.6389, email at security@svcc.edu or visit security at the Information/Security Center located at the west end of the building. SVCC security will follow up with the incident report as soon as possible.

Escort Service

The Information/Security Center will provide a campus security officer to safely escort students, faculty or staff upon request. Contact the Information/Security Center (RM 1C04), use the call boxes located around campus, or call 815.835.6389.

Information/Security Center

Faculty/Staff mailboxes, lost and found services, reimbursement for money lost in vending machines, and visitor information/registration are maintained by the Information/Security Center. The Information/Security Center is located in RM 1C04, or call 815.288.5511. The College does not assume responsibility for personal property of students.


Lockers are located in designated areas on the first floor. The cost is $10 per semester. For more information, or to rent a locker, contact the Business Office (RM 1H2), or call 815.835.6295.

Parking and Traffic Services

Students are required to abide by the rules and regulations governing vehicles on campus. There is sufficient space for all students to park on campus. The College retains the right of enforcement regarding the health, welfare, and safety of all individuals while on campus. All registered students and visitors on campus are subject to the provisions and penalties specified in the regulations regarding motor vehicles. A complete review of motor vehicle regulations is available online at svcc.edu/parking

Penalties for parking violations may be paid by mail or in person to the Business Office (RM 1H2). Failure to pay fines may result in a wheel clamp installed on the vehicle or the student account being frozen.

Security Cameras

As part of the College's ongoing commitment to ensuring safety and security on  campus, security cameras have been installed to assist in making our campus as a safe as possible. SVCC Security is responsible for the oversight and approval of camera locations. The exact location, number and functions of all cameras will generally be considered confidential for security purposes and not be released to the general public, guests or employees. No audio will be recorded and camera positions must not violate the standard of a reasonable expectation of privacy. 

This statement does not in any way imply or guarantee that video surveillance devices will be indefinitely operational or actively monitored at any time. The presence of physical video surveillance does not in any way imply that activity is recorded or monitored.

All video footage will be secured and will be managed by SVCC Security with technical support provided by the Information Technology Services department. Information obtained from the cameras will be used exclusively for campus policy enforcement, including, where appropriate, student  code of conduct investigations or to assist local law enforcement and campus/local crime. Information must be handled with an appropriate level of security to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure.

All recording or monitoring of activities of individuals or groups by college security cameras will be conducted in a manner consistent with College policies, state and federal laws, and will not be based on the subjects' personal characteristics, including age, color, disability, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics. Furthermore, all recording and monitoring will be conducted in a professional, ethical, and legal manner. All personnel with access to college security camers should be trained in the effective, legal, and ethical use of monitoring equipment .

Vehicle Assistance

If vehicle emergency assistance is needed, contact the Information/Security Center at 815.835.6389 (RM 1C04).