
Publications and Publicity

507.01  Publications and Publicity

  1. The preparation of official announcements and publications of the College intended for general distribution off-campus, unless otherwise authorized by the President, will be supervised and released by the Office of College Relations.
    1. The Office of College Relations shall be used as a clearinghouse for news releases to avoid the duplication of materials that are released to the public and to maintain a consistent policy with regard to the standard and quality of publicity and publications.
    2. This office shall also be responsible for maintaining historical records, pictures and other general information concerning the development of the College.
  2. College Archives: It shall be the policy of Sauk Valley Community College that the institutional archives be developed and housed in the College Learning Resource Center.  The content and structure of the archives shall be developed jointly by the staff of the Learning Resource Center and the Office of College Relations.


  • 02-12-1979
  • 03-23-1987
  • 10-31-1994
  • 10-28-1996

Cabinet Reviewed: