Off-Site Testing
Acceptable Forms of ID
- Government issued photo ID
- State issued ID
- Student ID
Exam Preparation
Students who wish to take tests at a site other than Sauk Valley Community College must have initial approval from their instructor and an approved proctor to administer their exams. It is the responsibility of the student to work with their instructor to secure an acceptable proctoring location and that both the Proctor and Student Rules Agreements are submitted to the Sauk Valley Testing Center. It is highly suggested that the student begins this process as soon as possible. The Testing Center works only as the facilitator between student, proctor and instructor.
Accommodations must be approved by your institution prior to your exam.Steps to Take the Exam
- The student seeks initial approval from instructor that off-site testing will be an option.
- The student secures an acceptable off-site proctoring location.
- The student downloads and completes the off-site testing Student Rules Agreement and scans/emails completed doc to and to their instructor. This doc will include proposed off-site proctoring contact information.
- SVCC Testing Center sends the off-site testing Proctor Rules Agreement out to proposed off-site location.
- The off-site proctor completes and returns the Proctor Rules Agreement to the testing center.
- The completed Proctor Agreement is sent to the instructor for review. Instructor will authorize final approval.
Exam Fees
The student is responsible for all off-site testing fees for each exam.