

514.02  Smoking/Tobacco

  1. In accordance with the Illinois Smoke-Free Campus Act, effective July 1, 2015, smoking is prohibited everywhere on campus, including both outdoors and indoors.  
  2. Smoking is defined as (1) lighting or burning any type of matter or substance that contains tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, water pipes, or other smoking devices (2) lighting or burning of non-tobacco plants or marijuana; (3) using electronic cigarettes; and (4) using smokeless tobacco.
  3. This policy applies to any individual on campus property, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, other employees, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public.  
  4. This policy applies to all College-owned vehicles at all times.


  • 05-24-2010
  • 04-27-2015

Cabinet Reviewed: