Eligibility & Participation Requirements

Must meet ONE of the following criteria:
- First generation college student (meaning neither parent has a Bachelor's degree)
- Limited Income-Eligible for Financial Aid
- Student with a disability
To determine eligibility status, please submit an application.
Participation Requirements:
Meet with your TRIO advisor at least three times per semester for: Career exploration, Transfer advisement, Financial Aid advisement, and personal advisement.
- Consult with your TRIO advisor prior to registration, schedule changes, and to review mid-term evaluations.
- Attend the TRIO Conference and complete at least Two Workshops per semester, one of which must be a Financial Literacy workshop.
- Consult with your TRIO advisor if you are experiencing problems with school, home, or work, that affect you academic performance.
- Attend all scheduled appointments and respond to phone calls and correspondence. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact the TRIO office and reschedule your missed appointment.
- Regular class attendance, completion of assignments, and utilization of the Learning Assistance Center (LAC).